Achieving success in any field requires setting goals and planning to reach them. Activity directors who want to ensure their programs are successful should create SMART goals as part of their overall strategy.
These goals will allow activity directors to stay on track and focused on their programs. They can also help establish benchmarks for success and keep everyone involved accountable.
Here, we’ll look at 13 SMART goals examples for activity directors to get started. You will find goals related to boosting program participation, improving communication, and ensuring the success of your activities.
What is a SMART Goal?
The SMART goal-setting approach can be a powerful tool for shaping goals as an activity director. To clarify, SMART is an acronym for specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based.
Let’s delve deeper into each component of the SMART framework:
The more precise your goals are, the better your chances of achieving them. Ambiguous goals often lead to failure. For instance, if your goal is to enhance the well-being of your residents, it needs to be more exact.
How do you plan to improve their well-being? Are there particular activities or programs you have in mind? Being specific ensures you have a clear path to excellence.
Your goals need to be quantifiable. This allows you to track your progress and determine whether you’re making strides toward your objectives.
Using the previous example, you could aim to “increase resident participation in activities by 30% within 6 months.” That way, you will have a clear target to work towards.
It’s important to set achievable goals. For instance, if you aim to increase resident activity participation, expecting a drastic change overnight is not feasible. It would be best to have adequate time and resources to accomplish this ambitious goal.
Ask yourself why you’re pursuing these goals as an activity director. Perhaps increasing resident participation in activities could improve their overall quality of life. You’ll find the motivation to persevere by setting relevant goals, even when challenges arise.
Having a robust timeline for your goals maintains accountability. It fosters a sense of urgency that keeps you moving forward. You risk not accomplishing your goals without a deadline, so ensure they are time-bound.
13 SMART Goals Examples for Activity Directors
1. Increase Resident Engagement
“I’ll increase resident engagement in activities by 20% over the next two months by offering more interactive and creative activities. I will survey a minimum of 10 residents to determine which activities they prefer.”
Specific: The SMART goal is clear. The activity director wants to increase resident engagement with activity programs.
Measurable: The director will survey 10 residents to determine their preferences.
Attainable: Allocate enough manpower to make activities interactive and creative, accounting for the extra time needed to survey residents.
Relevant: This is appropriate for an activity director wanting to increase resident engagement.
Time-based: Goal attainment will be met within two months.
2. Create Meaningful Experiences for All Ages
“The activity director will come up with fun and creative activities for people of all ages within a month. To do so, the director will interview all residence members to assess their interests and develop a plan for activities that meet these needs.”
Specific: This goal outlines what the activity director must do to create meaningful experiences for everyone.
Measurable: Survey each resident to gain insights into their interests and preferences.
Attainable: The statement is feasible since a month is enough time to create activities that meet the interests of all ages.
Relevant: It’s crucial for activity directors to develop activities catering to everyone’s interests.
Time-based: There is a one-month end date attached to this particular goal.
3. Monitor Activity Budget and Expenditures
“I’ll monitor the budget and expenditures for all activities on a weekly basis to ensure that we stay within our allocated resources. I will also aim to identify areas of improvement in cost-effectiveness and efficiency while running activities.”
Specific: You have detailed what you need to do: monitor the budget and expenditure and identify improvement areas.
Measurable: You need to be able to accurately measure the budget and expenditures in order to monitor them.
Attainable: This is possible if you can access and analyze the financial records correctly.
Relevant: Monitoring the activity budget is pertinent for any activity director to ensure all activities are run within the allocated resources.
Time-based: You need to review the budget and expenditure every week.
4. Strengthen Staff Training and Development
“You will have a more comprehensive training program for new staff members by the end of 6 months. The director will help create an online learning module and develop activities tailored to each hire’s skill set.”
Specific: This explains the need for a comprehensive training program and how it will be created.
Measurable: Ensure the director creates an online learning module with activities tailored to each new hire’s skill set within 6 months.
Attainable: The provided timeline allows the director to develop a solid training program.
Relevant: Training new staff members is an important task that must be done to manage your team effectively.
Time-based: This statement has a deadline of 6 months for completion.
5. Improve Communication With Residents
“The activity director will be able to communicate efficiently with residents and their families by the end of three months. They will practice active listening techniques, maintain eye contact, and ask appropriate questions.”
Specific: The statement outlines the activity director’s objective, how to reach the goal, and the deadline.
Measurable: Count the number of conversations had with residents as evidence of improved communication skills.
Attainable: With practice and dedication, a three-month timeline is enough to learn active listening techniques and other skills.
Relevant: Communication is essential to the activity director’s job description, so this goal is suitable.
Time-based: There is a three-month end date for achieving success.
6. Expand Social Networking
“For the next 6 months, I want to increase my social network by attending at least one networking event every two weeks. I will expand my professional connections and get new ideas for improving participation in activities.”
Specific: You have precise actions available—attend one networking event every two weeks.
Measurable: Check off each networking event you attend on your calendar.
Attainable: Assuming your schedule allows for it, this goal can be met in the allotted time frame.
Relevant: This will help you develop your social network and give you new ideas on improving activity participation.
Time-based: You should expect goal attainment within 6 months.
7. Reduce the Risk of Injuries During Activities
“Within two months, I want to decrease the number of injuries during activities by at least 20%. I’ll thoroughly assess the activity space and make improvements as needed, providing proper safety equipment and instructions for each activity.”
Specific: The individual wants to reduce the number of injuries during activities.
Measurable: A 20% reduction in injuries during activities is measurable.
Attainable: This is a reasonable goal because they are taking steps to assess and improve the activity space before beginning.
Relevant: This is a pertinent goal because it addresses a significant safety issue.
Time-based: The SMART goal is two months long, giving the director enough time to see results.
8. Improve Resident Quality of Life
“I will increase the resident quality of life by introducing two new activities to the activity calendar each month for half a year. The residents and staff must approve the new activities before being added to the schedule.”
Specific: This is explicit by describing the activities that will be added to the calendar and the timeline for completion.
Measurable: You can track how many new activities were approved monthly.
Attainable: The activity director has identified a realistic timeline for monthly introducing two new activities.
Relevant: Boosting the quality of life for residents is a relevant goal to your role.
Time-based: Completion of this goal is anticipated after 6 months.
9. Promote a Culture of Wellness
“I want to ensure that the residents of my care home have access to appropriate recreational activities within three months. This will include researching and organizing group exercises and outdoor outings.”
Specific: The goal explicitly states what needs to be done (researched and organized recreational activities).
Measurable: You could count the number of activities you have researched and organized.
Attainable: Researching and organizing recreational activities is possible in three months.
Relevant: Promoting a culture of wellness for residents is essential for their health and happiness.
Time-based: Goal completion should be expected for three months.
10. Update and Maintain Activity Equipment
“I will ensure that all activity equipment is updated and maintained for optimal use within two months. I hope to regularly review the condition of the equipment, make necessary repairs, and replace outdated items when needed.”
Specific: The goal states the objective and what will be done to accomplish it.
Measurable: You can measure how often you review the equipment and what repairs were made.
Attainable: This is feasible because it is realistic to update and maintain activity equipment within two months.
Relevant: It is vital to facilitate the safety of those engaging in activities that utilize the equipment.
Time-based: Two whole months are required to meet lasting success.
11. Adapt to Changing Needs and Preferences
“I will make it a priority to assess the activities and programming every 6 months so we can adjust our offerings to meet the changing needs of our target audience.”
Specific: The statement is well-defined, explaining precisely what will be done.
Measurable: By assessing the activities and programming every 6 months, progress can be tracked and updated if necessary.
Attainable: This is possible if the activity director can access feedback or reviews on their services.
Relevant: It’s important to ensure that the programming suits the target audience and meets current needs.
Time-based: You will need bi-yearly regular assessments to promote success.
12. Foster the Benefits of Socialization
“Over the course of 5 months, I want to review activities and outings with my team to ensure they provide our residents with socialization and interaction. We’ll develop a plan to implement activities that promote socialization and interaction in our facility.”
Specific: You want to review activities and outings with the team to ensure they provide residents with socialization and interaction.
Measurable: Determine whether the activities promote socialization and interaction in your facility.
Attainable: Reviewing activities and outings is absolutely doable in 5 months.
Relevant: Socialization is an essential part of life for residents, so this goal is suitable for activity directors.
Time-based: The SMART goal has a 5-month timeline for achievement.
13. Advocate for Quality Activities and Programs
“I want to increase my involvement with local organizations that provide activities and programs for the elderly within three months. I plan to attend one informational meeting monthly to build relationships and find out how to support their efforts.”
Specific: The SMART statement outlines what to do (attend informational meetings) and how often you should do it (at least once a month).
Measurable: You can easily keep track of the meetings you’ve attended over time.
Attainable: Attending one informational meeting each month is undoubtedly manageable.
Relevant: This helps to promote quality activities and programs for older people in the local community.
Time-based: You have a three-month window to reach this specific goal.
Final Thoughts
Activity directors have the challenging yet rewarding responsibility of providing meaningful activities for their residents. Setting SMART goals helps you remain on track with daily tasks and keep a pulse on the progress of your programs.
With 13 SMART goals examples to provide guidance, activity directors can now plan their successful initiatives. Ensuring activities meet residents’ needs is crucial so they can stay engaged, happy, and healthy.
Tying successes back to SMART goals can enable directors to gauge progress and identify areas for improvement. Over time, this will allow them to refine their activities to best serve the residents.