13 SMART Goals Examples for Recreation Specialists

Recreation specialists coordinate recreational activities for people of all ages. They work in various settings like community centers, schools, and camps to provide opportunities for individuals to engage in leisure and physical activities.

These professionals aim to enhance the quality of life by promoting well-being through fun and engaging programs. To fulfill their roles, recreation specialists often set specific goals to guide their work.

In this article, we will discuss 13 SMART goals examples for recreation specialists that may help them succeed in their profession.

What is a SMART Goal?

To craft SMART goals as a recreation specialist, you first need to grasp the concept of SMART.

It’s an acronym for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-based. This method helps you create more actionable goals, enhancing your chances of reaching them.

Let’s delve deeper into each component of the SMART framework:


One common pitfall in goal setting is creating vague goals. A goal should be more than a nebulous aspiration—it must delineate what you aim to achieve, the strategies you’ll employ, why it’s important, and the timeline for accomplishment.

For instance, instead of “I want to improve community engagement,” a specific goal could be: “I plan to increase community participation in our annual sports event by 20% through targeted social media campaigns over 6 months.”


Setting measurable milestones allows you to track your progress. By specifying a quantifiable metric, such as a percentage increase or a specific number, you can gauge how close you are to your objectives, boosting your motivation to reach the finish line.


Your goal has to be realistic and within your capacity to achieve. Establishing an unattainable goal sets you up for disappointment, while a feasible goal fuels your motivation.

Aiming to double attendance at your events within a month may not be reasonable, but a 10% increase could be a more realistic target.


Ensure you align with your professional aspirations as a recreation specialist. For instance, if your role involves promoting physical fitness in the community, a relevant goal could be: “Introduce two new fitness programs in the community center within a quarter.”


Assigning a deadline to your goal fosters a sense of urgency and prevents procrastination. A goal without a deadline can easily fall by the wayside, but a time-bound goal keeps you accountable and focused.

13 SMART Goals Examples for Recreation Specialists

1. Develop a New Outdoor Adventure Program

“By the end of four months, I plan to develop and launch a new outdoor adventure program for our summer camp. This program will cater to ages 12-15 and focus on wilderness survival skills.”

Specific: This SMART goal is to create a unique outdoor adventure program that caters to a certain age group.

Measurable: The individual will measure success by the number of participants in the program and their feedback.

Attainable: While there may be challenges in developing a new program, it’s possible with resourceful planning and execution.

Relevant: As a recreation specialist, creating new and exciting programs is essential to keep participants engaged and returning for more.

Time-based: You should anticipate excellence after four whole months.

2. Collaborate With Local Community Organizations

“I’ll collaborate with at least two local community organizations to provide recreational activities for those with disabilities during the 6 months ahead. Doing so should nurture a more inclusive and diverse community.”

Specific: The statement outlines the action of collaborating with two local community organizations.

Measurable: You could count the number of organizations you collaborate with daily.

Attainable: It’s feasible since it only requires collaborating with two organizations, and there are plenty in most communities.

Relevant: This is suitable because it aims to foster a more inclusive community for those with disabilities through recreational activities.

Time-based: Six months is the expected deadline to accomplish the goal.

3. Implement Sustainable Practices

“By the end of this year, I will incorporate at least one sustainable practice into my recreation programs. This may include using eco-friendly materials, promoting public transportation for program participants, or reducing waste through recycling and composting initiatives.”

Specific: The goal is explicit—to utilize sustainable practices in recreation programs.

Measurable: The individual will incorporate at least one sustainable practice into each program.

Attainable: Any changes to the programs can be made with available resources and support.

Relevant: This goal aligns with the growing trend of incorporating sustainable practices in various industries.

Time-based: You have a one-year window to reach this particular goal statement.

4. Use Social Media for Marketing and Engagement

“The aim is to create a social media marketing plan that increases our online following and engagement by 25% in the following 5 months. That will involve creating engaging content, using popular hashtags, and scheduling regular posts.”

Specific: You know the desired outcome of increasing online following and engagement.

Measurable: Track the current number of followers and level of engagement and compare it to the 25% target increase.

Attainable: Creating engaging content and utilizing popular hashtags are achievable tasks to increase online following and engagement.

Relevant: In today’s digital age, social media is a crucial tool for marketing in the recreation industry.

Time-based: The target increase should be reached by the end of 5 months.

5. Improve Accessibility for Those With Disabilities

“I will work with my team to improve accessibility for individuals with disabilities at our local community center over three months. That involves implementing wheelchair ramps, automatic doors, and tactile signage throughout the facility.”

Specific: You have detailed the required steps that must be taken to enhance accessibility.

Measurable: This can be measured by the successful implementation of wheelchair ramps, automatic doors, and tactile signage.

Attainable: Working with a team makes this goal more achievable as it allows for collaboration and delegation of tasks.

Relevant: It’s vital to ensure all individuals have equal access to recreational facilities.

Time-based: The SMART goal has a timeline of three months for completion.

6. Increase Participation in Sports Leagues

“I want to increase the number of participants in the local soccer league by 50% within 6 months. That will involve promoting the league through social media, organizing a recruitment event, and offering discounted registration fees for new players.”

Specific: This specifies an action (promoting the league through social media and organizing a recruitment event) to increase participation.

Measurable: Success can be measured by tracking the number of new players registering for the league within 6 months.

Attainable: Noting the specific actions to be taken, the goal is possible within the given time frame.

Relevant: This relates to the role of a recreation specialist, as it aims to boost participation in a recreational activity.

Time-based: There is a deadline of 6 months for the goal to be reached.

7. Create a Mentorship Program for Youth

“Within one year, I’ll create and implement a mentorship program for youth aged 12-18 in our community. This program will pair adult volunteers with youth participants to provide guidance, support, and opportunities for growth.”

Specific: There is a clear age range and purpose stated for the mentorship program.

Measurable: By tracking the number of youth participants, we can determine if the goal has been met.

Attainable: It can be accomplished by working with community organizations and recruiting volunteers.

Relevant: This pertains to specialists since it allows them to utilize their skills and expertise in mentoring youth in their local community.

Time-based: The SMART goal specifies a timeline of one year for completion.

8. Host Educational Workshops and Seminars

“By the end of this quarter, I will organize and host at least two educational workshops or seminars related to recreation. These events will be open to the public and advertised through social media and local community centers.”

Specific: You have clear actions defined—organizing and hosting educational workshops or seminars.

Measurable: Count the number of events (minimum of two) organized and hosted.

Attainable: Given your role as a recreation specialist, this statement is doable within the next quarter.

Relevant: Educating the public about recreation aligns with your profession and can reflect positively on your organization.

Time-based: Goal attainment should be met over a quarter (three months).

9. Boost Revenue Through Fundraisers

“Over 6 months, I will lead and organize three successful fundraisers for my organization. These fundraisers will target specific demographics and utilize social media platforms to increase awareness and reach a wider audience.”

Specific: This goal specifies the number of fundraisers, the duration, and the target audience.

Measurable: Track the money raised through each fundraiser and compare it to previous fundraising efforts.

Attainable: The specialist likely has experience planning and organizing events, making this goal feasible.

Relevant: Fundraising is an integral aspect of recreation specialist work as it allows for acquiring funds to support various programs and activities.

Time-based: The goal is expected to be accomplished after 6 whole months.

10. Enhance Customer Service Standards

“I know that customer service is key to our organization’s success. By the end of 6 months, I’ll work with my team to identify areas for improvement and implement strategies to enhance our customer service standards.”

Specific: The goal explicitly addresses the importance of customer service and how it will be improved.

Measurable: The organization can track customer satisfaction ratings before and after implementation to measure the success of the strategies.

Attainable: This is possible by working with team members to identify areas for improvement and implementing changes accordingly.

Relevant: Customer service directly impacts the success of the organization and its reputation.

Time-based: Six months is the ideal time frame to reach excellence.

11. Develop an Emergency Preparedness Plan

“Many natural disasters and emergencies can occur at any time. As a recreation specialist, I will work on developing an emergency preparedness plan for my facility to ensure the safety of all staff and visitors in case of an emergency for 5 weeks.”

Specific: You know the exact objective: develop an emergency preparedness plan for the facility.

Measurable: Completion of the plan can be evaluated by its implementation and regular updates.

Attainable: The SMART goal is reasonable as it is within the scope of a recreation specialist’s responsibilities.

Relevant: This is crucial for ensuring the safety and well-being of everyone in the facility.

Time-based: You have 5 weeks to complete this particular statement.

12. Encourage Employee Wellness Initiatives

“For 7 months, I’ll implement three employee wellness initiatives to promote a healthy and balanced workplace culture. That can include hosting a yoga class weekly, using standing desk options, and providing healthy snack options in the break room.”

Specific: The individual intends to implement employee wellness initiatives in the workplace.

Measurable: Determine a minimum of three initiatives to implement and track their effectiveness.

Attainable: This is achievable since it involves working with existing resources and making moderate changes that impact employee well-being.

Relevant: Employee wellness is essential for overall productivity in your team or department.

Time-based: You have a specific end date of 7 months to achieve success.

13. Conduct Regular Program Evaluations

“I plan to evaluate all recreational programs and make necessary improvements based on participant feedback in three months. I’ll administer surveys after each program, analyze the results, and implement changes within two weeks of receiving feedback.”

Specific: You aim to evaluate all programs and make improvements based on participant feedback.

Measurable: Ensure you follow the listed steps (administering surveys, analyzing the results, and implementing changes).

Attainable: It’s feasible to survey participants after each program and make necessary improvements within two weeks.

Relevant: This goal is appropriate because it ensures that recreational programs meet the needs and expectations of participants.

Time-based: The SMART goal is time-bound, with a deadline of three months.

Final Thoughts

Setting SMART goals is not just a choice; it’s a necessity. These goals allow specialists to make consistent progress and foster an environment that benefits their organization, the community, and themselves.

Each small step brings you closer to a larger achievement; every completed workshop, successful fundraiser, or improved customer satisfaction rating brings you one step closer to your ultimate vision.

As recreation specialists, your work has the power to change lives and communities. Be bold, plan smartly, and let your passion shine through every goal you set and every stride toward achieving it.

Because it’s not just about reaching the destination—it’s about the positive impact you leave in your wake. So watch as your passion for recreation turns into an unforgettable experience for all.

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Rei Shen

Rei is the founder of Success in Depth. He is passionate about self-improvement and brings years of experience in goal setting to empower readers to reach their aspirations. He has been featured on sites like Yahoo News, AOL, The Epoch Times, and more.