150 Powerful Action Verbs for Your SMART Goals

Are you ready to supercharge your goal-setting strategy? This article is a treasure trove of 150 dynamic action verbs designed to energize your ambition and ignite your motivation.

From ascending the career ladder to shedding pounds, these powerful action verbs will transform your goals from vague aspirations into compelling missions you’re eager to accomplish.

It will empower you to select action verbs that resonate with your objectives, making your goals feel tangibly within reach and injecting a dose of excitement into your planning process.

Whether you’re a veteran goal-setter or a novice just embarking on your journey, strap yourself in. It’s finally time to turn those dreams into actionable, SMART realities.

What Are Action Verbs?

Action verbs, as their name suggests, depict action. They are words that express physical or mental activity. In goal setting, these verbs are likely to convey goal-oriented actions effectively.

These elements are crucial for establishing SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-based) goals as they clearly define your objectives and outline the precise steps you intend to take to accomplish them.

For example, instead of vaguely stating, “I want to improve my health,” a SMART goal would utilize an action verb to specify the goal: “I will jog for 30 minutes every morning.”

Here, “jog” is the action verb that clearly outlines the action needed to achieve the target. Using powerful action verbs can make your goals more compelling and motivate you to reach them.

The Importance of Action Verbs in SMART Goals

Action verbs are the secret tools that give our dreams wheels. Consider the previous example: “I want to be healthier.” It’s a wish, a desire, but it lacks the specificity and dynamism needed to spur action.

Now infuse it with an action verb: “I’ll nail 20 pushups every afternoon.” Suddenly, this passive intention morphs into an active pursuit. You have a specific task to complete.

Action verbs act as the driving force that propels us forward. They provide clarity and focus, defining the steps we need to take to achieve our goals.

To put it simply, action verbs are not just words; they’re like success multipliers. When we use them, we’re not just dreaming anymore; we are setting the stage for real achievement. And that’s they are so important when creating SMART goals.

150 Powerful Action Verbs for Your SMART Goals

  1. Achieve
  2. Acquire
  3. Act
  4. Adapt
  5. Administer
  6. Advance
  7. Advise
  8. Allocate
  9. Analyze
  10. Apply
  11. Arrange
  12. Assemble
  13. Assess
  14. Attain
  15. Balance
  16. Boost
  17. Build
  18. Calculate
  19. Collaborate
  20. Communicate
  21. Compare
  22. Complete
  23. Conclude
  24. Conduct
  25. Confirm
  26. Connect
  27. Consider
  28. Construct
  29. Continue
  30. Contribute
  31. Control
  32. Convert
  33. Coordinate
  34. Create
  35. Decide
  36. Define
  37. Deliver
  38. Demonstrate
  39. Design
  40. Develop
  41. Direct
  42. Discover
  43. Distribute
  44. Document
  45. Drive
  46. Earn
  47. Educate
  48. Eliminate
  49. Employ
  50. Enhance
  51. Ensure
  52. Establish
  53. Evaluate
  54. Execute
  55. Expand
  56. Facilitate
  57. Finish
  58. Focus
  59. Formulate
  60. Foster
  61. Gain
  62. Generate
  63. Guide
  64. Identify
  65. Implement
  66. Improve
  67. Increase
  68. Influence
  69. Inform
  70. Initiate
  71. Innovate
  72. Inspect
  73. Integrate
  74. Interact
  75. Investigate
  76. Join
  77. Justify
  78. Keep
  79. Learn
  80. Maintain
  81. Manage
  82. Measure
  83. Monitor
  84. Motivate
  85. Negotiate
  86. Observe
  87. Obtain
  88. Operate
  89. Optimize
  90. Organize
  91. Participate
  92. Perform
  93. Plan
  94. Prepare
  95. Produce
  96. Promote
  97. Propose
  98. Protect
  99. Provide
  100. Qualify
  101. Question
  102. Reach
  103. Realize
  104. Recommend
  105. Record
  106. Refine
  107. Regulate
  108. Reinforce
  109. Relate
  110. Report
  111. Research
  112. Resolve
  113. Respond
  114. Review
  115. Schedule
  116. Secure
  117. Select
  118. Sell
  119. Send
  120. Serve
  121. Set
  122. Simplify
  123. Solve
  124. Specify
  125. Standardize
  126. Start
  127. Strengthen
  128. Study
  129. Succeed
  130. Summarize
  131. Supervise
  132. Support
  133. Sustain
  134. Target
  135. Teach
  136. Test
  137. Track
  138. Train
  139. Transform
  140. Understand
  141. Update
  142. Utilize
  143. Validate
  144. Verify
  145. Volunteer
  146. Work
  147. Write
  148. Yield
  149. Yearn
  150. Zoom

Tips for Writing Action Verbs in SMART Goals

When writing your SMART goals, it’s essential to consider which action verbs are most appropriate for conveying the desired outcome. Below are some tips to help you come up with excellent action verbs for your goals:

1. Make Sure the Verb is Clear

Ensure your action verb can be understood without any confusion. Clear action verbs eliminate ambiguity and provide a definite direction for your goal.

For instance, instead of saying, “I want to do better in my job,” go for “I aim to increase my monthly sales by 10%.” In this case, “increase” is an action verb with a specific path to follow.

Select a verb that precisely describes the action you intend to take. Verbs like “complete,” “develop,” “achieve,” “reduce,” and “improve” are all decisive action verbs that leave no room for misunderstanding. They give a clear idea of what action must be taken.

Realize that clarity in your action verb sets the tone for goal setting. It paves the way for effective planning, diligent execution, and the successful achievement of your goal.

2. Use Positive Language

Positive language propels us forward, infusing our goals with energy and intention. Rather than writing, “Stop procrastinating on tasks,” a positively framed goal could be “Prioritize tasks efficiently every morning.”

The latter uses positive language and an action verb, “prioritize,” making the goal proactive and empowering.

Your choice of words can dramatically impact your mindset and motivation levels. Hence, taking advantage of positive language in your SMART goals fosters a productive, optimistic tone from the outset.

3. Don’t Overuse the Same Action Verbs

Using the same action verb multiple times in a goal may make it seem monotonous. To avoid this, try to diversify your goals with different action verbs.

Suppose you are looking to save money. The goal could be “I will reduce my monthly expenses by 10%.” Alternatively, you might use a different phrase like, “I’ll decrease my expenses by 10% every month.”

Combining action verbs of the same meaning but with different nuances and applications could add flavor to your goals and keep them interesting. This way, you boost your chances of sticking to them as they seem more attainable.

4. Create Relevant Action Verbs

When establishing SMART goals, using relevant action verbs is crucial. Relevant action verbs directly relate to the task or outcome you wish to accomplish.

So if your goal is to improve your fitness, relevant action verbs could include “run,” “lift,” swim,” or “cycle.” These verbs clearly convey what you need to do to reach success.

Selecting appropriate action verbs also adds specificity to your goals. Instead of stating, “I want to get fit,” a relevant action verb can transform this into “I will run three times a week.”

The action verbs you choose should align with both the nature of your goal and the steps needed to achieve it. Creating relevant action verbs will make your SMART goals more practical.

5. Leverage Power Words

Power words are persuasive; they spark emotive responses and spur decisive action. They’re the secret ingredients that make narratives and calls to action persuasive.

Imagine your SMART goals. Now infuse them with power words. Rather than simply “finishing” a project, why not “conquer” it? Instead of “losing” weight, why not “obliterate” pounds? These slight tweaks in language may massively impact your outlook and determination.

Power words should be laser-focused, communicating what you strive to achieve. “Amplify,” “elevate,” and “escalate” are dynamic substitutes for generic verbs like “improve” or “increase.”

Bear in mind the purpose of SMART goals extends beyond setting benchmarks; it’s about sparking action. Harnessing the might of power words will inject your goals with dynamism and zeal, making them irresistibly compelling.

Final Thoughts

Remember that goals are more than just checkpoints on your journey to success. They are your roadmap, guiding you toward your desired destination.

Armed with this comprehensive list of 150 dynamic action verbs, you’re now equipped to transform your dreams into robust, concrete SMART goals. But don’t stop there. Keep exploring, refining, and pushing forward.

Your goals are not static—they should evolve as you do, becoming more precise, targeted, and aligned with your aspirations. So dare to “master a new skill” and strive to “build a happy family.”

Give your goals the power and precision they deserve by harnessing the might of these action verbs. Your road to attaining SMART goals is just beginning. With the right words and mindset, there’s no limit to what you can achieve.

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Rei Shen

Rei is the founder of Success in Depth. He is passionate about self-improvement and brings years of experience in goal setting to empower readers to reach their aspirations. He has been featured on sites like Yahoo News, AOL, The Epoch Times, and more.