13 SMART Goals Examples for All Parts of Life

Charting a course toward personal growth and self-improvement involves setting well-crafted goals encompassing all life aspects. One powerful approach is to utilize the SMART goal-setting framework.

Here are 13 SMART goals examples spanning diverse areas such as career, finances, health, and relationships. These examples will provide a solid foundation for formulating personalized SMART goals.

Doing so will allow you to be better prepared to make meaningful strides toward a more prosperous and gratifying life. Let’s dive straight into it.

What is a SMART Goal?

The SMART system empowers you to create practical goals for various aspects of life. For those unfamiliar, SMART stands for specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based.

Let’s delve further into each SMART component:


The more precise your life goals are, the greater your chances of achieving them. Vague goals can be arduous, while specificity can help offer direction and clarity.

For instance, if you aim to improve your fitness, set a precise goal: “Run a 5k in under 30 minutes within 8 months.” This sort of goal provides clear guidance on what must be done.


Measurable goals are essential because they allow you to effectively gauge progress. When developing a life goal, you should ensure it includes quantifiable criteria. That will make it easier to succeed in your personal journey.


It’s important to consider your current capabilities and strengths when creating life goals. After all, unrealistic expectations may lead to frustration. You want to be able to establish objectives that align with your existing skills.


Concentrate on goals that truly matter to you. Doing so gives you the motivation and determination to overcome challenges.

Ask yourself questions like: What do I value most? What brings me happiness? By understanding your personal values, you can start pursuing meaningful goals.


With a solid time frame in place, you could stay on track and focus on your life goals. After all, success isn’t achieved overnight—it’s a process of hard work and dedication that requires cultivating over time.

13 SMART Goals Examples for All Parts of Life

Here are several examples of SMART goals for your whole life:

1. Increase Your Salary

SMART Goal: I’ll increase my salary by 15% within 6 months by negotiating with my employers and seeking additional job opportunities. I’ll research the job market and hone my negotiation skills to ensure I’m getting paid what I deserve.

  • Specific: This SMART goal is explicit because you’ll research the job market and negotiate with their employer.
  • Measurable: You can quantify the amount of the salary increase over time.
  • Attainable: This is achievable if you take action and put in the effort required to achieve it.
  • Relevant: Increasing your salary is a great life goal to ensure you get paid what your skills and experience deserve.
  • Time-based: Goal attainment is expected over the following 6 months.

2. Build Better Relationships

SMART Goal: I want to develop my interpersonal skills to build better relationships with my friends, colleagues, and family. I will try to listen more, communicate my needs clearly, and speak up when needed by the end of three months.

  • Specific: The aim is to improve interpersonal skills to cultivate better relationships with friends, colleagues, and family.
  • Measurable: Ensure you try to listen more, communicate needs clearly, and speak up when needed.
  • Attainable: With the right resources and dedication, this statement can be met within three months.
  • Relevant: This is an appropriate target to foster meaningful relationships with people in your life.
  • Time-based: Three whole months are required to accomplish success.

3. Save More Money

SMART Goal: I plan to save $500 per month by the end of this year. I’ll track my spending and budgeting to check for unnecessary expenses that can be cut out and used for savings instead.

  • Specific: This goal is about saving $500 monthly, tracking spending, and budgeting.
  • Measurable: The amount of money saved will be determined monthly for the year.
  • Attainable: Saving $500 a month is achievable when cutting unnecessary expenses.
  • Relevant: It helps to prioritize saving money for the future and be financially prepared.
  • Time-based: A deadline of one year is set for this particular goal.

4. Quit Smoking

SMART Goal: I will quit smoking by developing a plan tailored to my habits and triggers within the next 6 months. I’ll take advantage of resources like smoking cessation classes, quitting support lines, and online help.

  • Specific: The statement outlines what the person wants to achieve, the plan they’ll use to quit smoking, and when they will stop.
  • Measurable: You could test progress by examining how often you smoke and how many cigarettes you consume.
  • Attainable: The deadline provides enough time for the individual to create a plan to quit smoking.
  • Relevant: This is suitable because it’s essential to quit smoking in order to protect your health.
  • Time-based: There is a 6-month window for meeting this certain goal.

5. Get a Degree

SMART Goal: Within 5 years, I will complete all the requirements to earn a four-year degree from an accredited institution. This includes completing all required courses, maintaining a certain GPA, and taking steps to be accepted into the college or university of my choice.

  • Specific: The individual knows they must complete the requirements for a four-year degree from an accredited institution.
  • Measurable: You’ll need to complete all the required courses, maintain a certain GPA, and take steps to be accepted into a college or university.
  • Attainable: This is indeed doable with the right amount of hard work and dedication over 5 years.
  • Relevant: The goal is appropriate for the individual’s desire to earn a degree.
  • Time-based: Completion of this goal is anticipated after 5 years.

6. Learn a New Skill

SMART Goal: I will learn a new skill related to my profession or job by the end of 8 months. To accomplish this, I’ll take an online class, attend a workshop, or find someone with expertise in the field and learn from them.

  • Specific: The SMART goal is clear—gain a new skill related to the individual’s job or profession.
  • Measurable: You should follow the listed action items to achieve lasting success.
  • Attainable: This is achievable if you can access the necessary resources and time.
  • Relevant: The goal should be appropriate to your job as it will enhance your skill set and knowledge base.
  • Time-based: Goal achievement is expected over the next 8 months.

7. Start Your Own Business

SMART Goal: I want to start my own business by the end of one year. I will write a comprehensive business plan, research all regulations and legal requirements, determine appropriate financing, and open my business within the designated time frame.

  • Specific: The goal states what will be done to achieve it and provides a timeline.
  • Measurable: You could gauge progress by the number of tasks completed, such as writing a business plan and researching legal requirements.
  • Attainable: This goal is achievable because opening a business within a year is realistic.
  • Relevant: This is pertinent to creating a career that allows you to be your boss and build something of value.
  • Time-based: You have a one-year end date to accomplish the statement.

8. Grow Your Network

SMART Goal: I want to expand my professional network and make 5 new meaningful connections by attending networking events and conferences within the following three months.

  • Specific: Define your actions to grow your network and how many connections you want to make.
  • Measurable: Keep a record of how many meaningful connections you make regularly.
  • Attainable: Networking events and conferences can be a great way to meet people, so the goal is feasible.
  • Relevant: Expanding your professional network is essential for career development.
  • Time-based: You’ve set a timeline of three months to reach your goal.

9. Achieve Financial Freedom

SMART Goal: By the end of two years, I will build an emergency fund of $10,000 and invest a monthly amount of $1000 in a diversified portfolio to achieve financial freedom. I’ll also review and manage my investments regularly using the services of a professional advisor.

  • Specific: The goal is to build an emergency fund and invest a certain amount of money to attain financial independence.
  • Measurable: You will set aside a monthly amount of $1000 to reach the desired target.
  • Attainable: This is a reasonable amount of money to invest, and the person is taking action toward it.
  • Relevant: The SMART statement is applicable as it helps secure your financial future.
  • Time-based: The goal is time-bound because it has an end date of two years.

10. Improve Time Management

SMART Goal: I want to learn at least two time management techniques by the end of four months. I hope to use these techniques to improve productivity and reduce stress in my daily life.

  • Specific: The goal clearly states which techniques you need to learn and the timeline to accomplish it.
  • Measurable: Count the number of techniques you’ve learned and evaluate the productivity improvement.
  • Attainable: You have four months to research and learn two techniques, which is more than reasonable.
  • Relevant: Better time management is worthwhile for enhancing productivity and relieving stress.
  • Time-based: You have four months to complete this particular statement.

11. Boost Your Self-Confidence

SMART Goal: I’ll take steps to boost my self-confidence by engaging in positive self-talk and affirmations every day for three months. I will also practice positive visualization and participate in activities challenging me to get out of my comfort zone.

  • Specific: The person has identified activities to boost self-confidence within three months.
  • Measurable: Check off each activity undertaken as you reach the end of each day.
  • Attainable: This is feasible as it involves engaging in activities within your capability.
  • Relevant: Self-confidence is an important life skill to succeed in all areas.
  • Time-based: You have a three-month end date to accomplish the statement.

12. Become More Organized

SMART Goal: I will create a filing system and reorganize my workspace by the end of this month to ensure everything is organized and efficient. By spending an hour daily decluttering and organizing, I’m confident I can become more productive.

  • Specific: The goal is concise and clear, stating precisely the objective and how it will be met.
  • Measurable: Creating a filing system and reorganizing the workspace will make it easy to assess progress in becoming more organized.
  • Attainable: This is possible if the individual commits to spending an hour each day decluttering and organizing.
  • Relevant: This SMART goal is appropriate because it will help you work more efficiently.
  • Time-based: Goal attainment is expected within this month.

13. Travel More Frequently

SMART Goal: I plan to travel more often by figuring out how to make it financially feasible within the next 6 months. I want to double my vacation days or work-related trips to see more of the world and have new experiences.

  • Specific: This goal is crystal clear: you want to figure out how to make traveling more doable and double your number of trips for 6 months.
  • Measurable: You could track the number of trips you take and the money saved for travel-related expenses.
  • Attainable: It’s possible to save money for travel and find ways to get away, even for a weekend.
  • Relevant: Traveling more often can help you have new experiences and see the world.
  • Time-based: You have 6 entire months to make your travel dreams a reality.

Final Thoughts

Recognize that establishing SMART goals is a powerful strategy for achieving personal growth and self-improvement across various dimensions of your life.

By implementing these SMART goals as a starting point, you can create a well-rounded framework for success in your career, finances, health, and relationships. You’ll make significant strides toward a more fulfilling and enriched life.

Embrace the process, learn from your experiences, and celebrate your victories—both big and small—as you continue to grow and become the best version of yourself.

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Rei Shen

Rei is the founder of Success in Depth. He is passionate about self-improvement and brings years of experience in goal setting to empower readers to reach their aspirations. He has been featured on sites like Yahoo News, AOL, The Epoch Times, and more.