Brand awareness helps businesses and organizations stand out from the competition. Companies can gain new customers and boost sales when customers are more aware of the brand.
Developing SMART goals would be a sound idea to enhance your company’s brand. You’ll take the required steps to drive sales and influence consumer behavior across the entire purchase funnel.
What is a SMART Goal?
It would be best to use the SMART method to set goals for improving brand awareness. SMART is an acronym that stands for specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based.
Let’s cover each SMART component for brand awareness:
The more detailed your goals, the greater your chance of meeting them. Vague goals will only make you lose hold of success.
For example, say your goal is to increase brand visibility. While this is a great goal, it isn’t specific enough. How will you go about improving brand awareness? Why is it even necessary in the first place?
Being more precise will lead you on the right path to goal achievement. You’ll have a clearer roadmap to arrive at your ideal destination.
Creating measurable goals shouldn’t be underestimated. You need to have a metric to assess progress often. This way, you’ll fully understand how close you are to completing your goals.
If your brand awareness goals involve gaining more website traffic, you can make them quantifiable. For example, “boost website traffic by 20% within 8 months.” Since you have the exact percentage to aim for, you can pace yourself more efficiently.
When setting goals, you need to be realistic. For instance, to increase social media followers, you can’t expect to do so in several hours. You must have enough resources and commitment to spearhead this goal.
Consider the “why” when developing goals for brand awareness. Using the previous example, having more social media followers may be a way for your company to generate more leads.
Ensuring your goals are relevant will push you to remain motivated throughout. You’ll have a much easier time sparking inspiration.
It’d be fantastic if you had a deadline to keep you accountable. Adding an end date for your goals will create a sense of urgency to push you forward.
Otherwise, you might procrastinate and abandon the road to success altogether. That would be unfortunate, so make sure you have a target end date.
12 SMART Goals Examples for Brand Awareness
Let’s dive into 12 examples of SMART goals for brand awareness:
1. Increase Website Traffic
“I will increase website traffic to our blog and other web pages by 25% within three months. To do this, I plan to use content marketing, SEO, and social media to drive organic traffic.”
Specific: The goal statement is well-defined, detailing the objective and how it will be accomplished.
Measurable: You will track website traffic in order to measure success.
Attainable: This goal is achievable if you have a proper strategy.
Relevant: Boosting traffic will add more exposure to your company’s website.
Time-based: There is a three-month deadline for this particular goal.
2. Grow Social Media Followers
“I want to increase our company’s social media followers by 20% over the 6 months ahead. This is important because it will help us reach a larger audience and grow our brand awareness.”
Specific: This SMART goal details a 20% increase in the company’s social media followers.
Measurable: You have an exact percentage to track over 6 months.
Attainable: Reaching a larger audience through social media platforms is doable.
Relevant: Growing your company’s social media followers is integral to brand awareness.
Time-based: You should expect goal achievement in 6 months.
3. Improve Brand Visibility
“I want to increase our overall brand visibility by creating a marketing campaign to reach more potential customers within 5 months. I’ll use online advertising and public relations strategies to get our name out there.”
Specific: This statement outlines what will be done to attain it, the deadline, and measurable outcomes.
Measurable: Brand visibility could be measured in terms of the number of customers gained.
Attainable: Creating and launching a marketing campaign is possible in the given timeline.
Relevant: Improving brand visibility means more potential customers.
Time-based: You have 5 months to complete this target.
4. Capture Customer Data
“I will set up a database to capture customer data and preferences in two months. The aim is to use this data to understand our customers better and target our marketing efforts accordingly.”
Specific: This goal outlines what you need to do (set up a database) and by when (two months).
Measurable: You can track the database setup and review its effectiveness over time.
Attainable: Creating a database is possible with the right resources and technology.
Relevant: Capturing customer data can give valuable insights about your target demographics.
Time-based: The goal should be achievable after two months.
5. Increase Customer Engagement
“To foster deeper relationships with existing customers and increase customer engagement, I’ll introduce a loyalty program within three months. I want to incentivize people to shop with us more often and encourage new customers to join our loyalty program.”
Specific: The statement is easy to understand. The person knows they must introduce a loyalty program to build customer engagement.
Measurable: The individual could determine how many new customers join the loyalty program.
Attainable: This is achievable and realistic with enough time and effort.
Relevant: Customer engagement is essential to building brand loyalty.
Time-based: Goal attainment will be reached in three months.
6. Establish a YouTube Channel
“I want to create and launch an official YouTube channel within three months to build awareness of our brand. This channel will feature educational content, tutorials, and fun videos about our products or services.”
Specific: You have precise actions available—feature educational content, tutorials, and fun videos about the company’s products or services.
Measurable: Ensure you follow the three listed action items to track success.
Attainable: Creating a YouTube channel is not exceedingly difficult.
Relevant: Establishing a presence on YouTube will build brand awareness.
Time-based: There is a three-month time frame for accomplishing this goal.
7. Improve Content Quality
“In 7 months, I’ll increase our content quality by 10% by focusing on topics that engage our target audience. I’ll also make sure to include more visuals and an easier-to-follow layout. This will give readers a better experience on our website and increase the likelihood of them wanting to engage more with our brand.”
Specific: The person will create content that engages the target audience and is easier to follow with visuals.
Measurable: You can monitor the average bounce rate on your website.
Attainable: This is possible if the team focuses on topics that engage their target audience and creates content with visuals and a better layout.
Relevant: Improving content quality is essential for readers of the brand’s website, as it will provide them with a better experience.
Time-based: The goal must be accomplished by the end of 7 months.
8. Develop Partnerships
“I want to establish 10 new partnerships with businesses that serve our target demographic after one year. These relationships will help increase brand recognition and grow our customer base.”
Specific: This is specific because you want to establish 10 new sponsorships within a year.
Measurable: You can count how many partnerships you’ve gained each month.
Attainable: With proper research and networking, 10 new partnerships are possible.
Relevant: Developing relationships with other businesses that attract your target demographic is a great way to promote brand recognition.
Time-based: Goal attainment is expected after one year.
9. Utilize Influencer Marketing
“To improve brand awareness, I’ll partner with three influencers over the next quarter to leverage their audience and reach. I plan to use influencer marketing to build a more engaged community of followers and drive sales.
Specific: This statement outlines what will be done to accomplish it and the timeline.
Measurable: Track the number of followers and sales captured from influencer marketing.
Attainable: This goal is achievable for those with the time and resources to partner with influencers.
Relevant: Using influencer marketing is an excellent strategy to increase brand awareness.
Time-Based: You have one whole quarter for goal completion.
10. Create Shareable Content
“I plan to create highly shareable content by the end of four months. This content should have high engagement rates on social media platforms, be optimized for search engine algorithms, and have a clear call to action.”
Specific: The content should be highly shareable, optimized for search algorithms, and have a clear call to action.
Measurable: Success could be measured by the engagement rates on social media platforms.
Attainable: The timeline of four months is reasonable for creating such content.
Relevant: Making shareable content is a common marketing strategy that benefits brand recognition.
Time-Based: There is a four-month deadline for meeting this goal.
11. Launch a Referral Program
“I’ll create and launch a referral program that incentivizes existing customers to refer their friends in 6 months. I want to increase brand awareness and reward customers for spreading the word about our business.”
Specific: Creating and launching a referral program is outlined in this goal.
Measurable: You could count the number of referrals acquired and track their success rate.
Attainable: Realize that starting a referral program is definitely doable.
Relevant: This goal is relevant to increasing brand awareness and rewarding customers.
Time-based: Goal completion is expected for 6 months.
12. Optimize Resources
“I want to optimize my company’s resources to reduce overhead costs. I’ll establish and implement a process to review, assess, and optimize our resources. This process should reduce my overhead costs by 10% in the following year.”
Specific: The SMART goal is well-defined. The individual will reduce overhead costs by 10%.
Measurable: You have an exact percentage to measure goal progress.
Attainable: This is attainable with the right process and implementation.
Relevant: The goal is appropriate for the person’s desire to reduce overhead costs.
Time-based: Goal attainment will be met in the following year.
Final Thoughts
High brand awareness will lead to strong brand preference and higher sales and market shares. Setting SMART goals will provide you with the necessary techniques to help your company increase perceived quality and brand loyalty.
But learning how to increase brand awareness could be overwhelming, especially for small businesses.
This is where the 12 SMART goals examples listed above can be a helping hand. From advertising to boosting website traffic, you’ll find inspiration to enhance brand recognition.