Custodians are the unsung heroes of many institutions, and their work is often overlooked. But setting SMART goals can help custodians hone their skills and be more productive.
After all, every custodian has the potential to make a meaningful impact on their workplace. This article will look at examples of SMART goals for custodians so they can start working towards success today.
What is a SMART Goal?
The SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-based) system will enable custodians to establish practical goals for success.
Do you need more clarification? Let’s dive deeper into each SMART letter:
To reach your custodian goals efficiently, start identifying what you want to achieve. Do you want to reduce the number of sick days due to poor indoor air quality? Are you looking to cut down on cleaning supplies expenses?
Whatever your goal, make sure it’s precise enough so that everyone involved understands what needs to be done.
Measurable goals give custodians an accurate way of assessing or improving their performance. For example, instead of simply aiming to keep floors clean, they can seek to “achieve a 95% satisfaction rate from building occupants on the cleanliness of floors.”
With this, custodians can take actions such as increasing the frequency of mopping or using different cleaning products until the desired level of satisfaction is reached.
Realistic goal setting requires thoroughly analyzing your capabilities, resources, and limitations. It involves identifying the areas where you need improvement and focusing on achievable targets.
That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t set high aspirations for yourself; instead, it means understanding the necessary steps to attain those ambitions.
When your goals align with your values, you’ll be more motivated to push through obstacles and setbacks because they have greater significance beyond the end result.
This sense of purpose will help you stay committed even when things get tough. You’ll also be more likely to feel accomplished once you achieve your goal, knowing it centers around what truly matters to you.
A well-defined timeline will provide structure as you work towards your goals. You’ll avoid feeling overwhelmed by the enormity of pursuing larger goals.
Moreover, setting reasonable deadlines ensures you don’t procrastinate or waste time on unnecessary activities that won’t contribute to your success.
13 Examples of SMART Goals for Custodians
Here are 13 examples of SMART goals for custodians:
1. Increase Cleanliness Ratings
“I will increase the cleanliness ratings of the building by 5% in three months. I’ll evaluate feedback from employees and visitors regarding the cleanliness of the building, adjust my cleaning techniques, and seek advice from other custodians on best practices.”
Specific: The goal clearly states that the custodian wants to increase cleanliness ratings by 5%.
Measurable: You can measure success by comparing cleanliness ratings before and after completing the goal.
Attainable: You have identified a manageable timeline to reach the desired outcome.
Relevant: Increasing cleanliness ratings align with the custodian’s job responsibilities.
Time-based: There is a three-month window to accomplish this goal.
2. Reduce Waste and Costs
“My aim is to reduce waste and costs by 10% in 6 months ahead. I will use sustainable practices such as recycling, composting, and energy-efficient methods to help reduce expenses.”
Specific: You will strive to use sustainable practices to reduce costs.
Measurable: A 10% decrease in waste and cost is a quantifiable target.
Attainable: This statement is achievable with the right strategies and time frame.
Relevant: Reducing waste and costs is vital for any custodial job.
Time-based: Allow for 6 months to reach this particular goal.
3. Improve Health and Safety Standards
“Within 7 months, I will ensure that all custodial staff have access to proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and work in a safe environment. I’ll impose a strict safety standards policy that all employees must adhere to and review regularly for any changes or updates.”
Specific: The SMART goal is well-defined, stating the objective and how it will be accomplished.
Measurable: By providing PPE for all custodial staff and implementing strict safety standards, the company can check whether employees work in a safe environment.
Attainable: This goal can be attained by working with the health and safety department to develop policies.
Relevant: Custodial staff must have access to PPE in order to work safely.
Time-based: There is a 7-month end date for achieving success.
4. Minimize Repairs Needed
“I’ll use preventive maintenance and cleaning techniques to minimize the need for repair work in my area. That includes regularly inspecting machines and equipment and keeping floors and other surfaces clean within two weeks or less.”
Specific: This goal states what you need to do (preventive maintenance and cleaning) and how often it needs to be done (within two weeks or less).
Measurable: You can track the repair work needed in your area.
Attainable: It’s possible to use preventive maintenance and cleaning techniques to minimize the need for repairs.
Relevant: Minimizing repair work is necessary for a smooth-running workplace.
Time-based: Execution of this goal should happen within two weeks or less.
5. Enhance Professionalism
“I will strive to increase professionalism among all custodial staff by providing training and guidance in the best practices of sanitation, safety, and customer service. I hope to see a noticeable increase in professionalism by the end of four months.”
Specific: The aim is to boost professionalism among the custodial staff by providing training in best practices.
Measurable: Make sure you measure the progress of the custodial staff in their professionalism by observing their performance.
Attainable: This is achievable if you take the time and effort to equip staff with the right training.
Relevant: Enhancing professionalism is essential for any team, especially custodial staff.
Time-based: You should display a noticeable increase in professionalism after four months.
6. Create a Positive Environment
“To foster a positive working environment, I’ll provide customer service and communication skills training to all custodial staff members within three months. I hope all employees have the necessary skills to interact positively with coworkers and customers.”
Specific: The goal states the overall objective and what will be done to achieve it.
Measurable: You could count the number of employees who receive customer service and communication skills training.
Attainable: This statement is feasible since it’s realistic to provide training to all custodial staff members within three months.
Relevant: This benefits everyone by promoting positive interactions between employees and customers.
Time-based: The SMART goal has a deadline of three whole months.
7. Focus on Proper Disposal Procedures
“I intend to ensure that all custodial staff are up to date with proper waste disposal procedures and understand how to use hazardous materials properly. I will review and update our disposal procedures every two months for 6 months.”
Specific: The goal outlines the purpose of creating disposal procedures that are up to date.
Measurable: Ensure you review and update waste disposal procedures every two months.
Attainable: Following disposal procedures is necessary for all custodial staff, so this goal should be achievable within the provided timeline.
Relevant: Ensuring proper disposal procedures are in place is essential to maintain a safe workplace.
Time-based: Six months are required to reach goal completion.
8. Improve Equipment Efficiency
“Over three months, I’ll research and invest in more efficient cleaning tools and equipment to help reduce costs and improve working conditions. I want to also look into reducing waste in our custodial activities.”
Specific: The SMART statement is to research and invest in better equipment.
Measurable: This can be evaluated by comparing equipment costs and waste output before and after investments.
Attainable: Finding more efficient tools and reducing waste is absolutely doable.
Relevant: Investing in better tools and cutting waste will benefit the team financially.
Time-based: There is a deadline of three months for this goal.
9. Follow Schedules and Guidelines
“By the end of the year, I’ll create and follow a detailed custodial schedule that ensures all areas of my responsibility are kept clean and in order. I will also adhere to all safety guidelines and procedures while carrying out my duties.”
Specific: The goal is explicit because it details what the custodian expects.
Measurable: The custodian could use a checklist and surveys to determine if the schedule is followed and if all areas are kept clean.
Attainable: Creating and following a schedule and adhering to safety guidelines are possible.
Relevant: This goal is suitable for helping custodians meet job requirements.
Time-based: Goal attainment is anticipated within the year.
10. Communicate with Staff Regularly
“I’ll communicate weekly with custodial staff to ensure issues are addressed promptly. I want to foster an environment of open communication and trust between my staff and me and promote a sense of collaboration.”
Specific: The individual aims to communicate with custodial staff members weekly.
Measurable: Make sure you discuss any issues and give feedback regularly to the custodial staff.
Attainable: The goal is possible because it involves taking a proactive approach to communication.
Relevant: It is important to have regular communication with staff members to build trust and a sense of collaboration.
Time-based: Success should be met on an ongoing basis.
11. Maintain Cleaning Records
“To keep the workplace safe and organized, I plan to accurately record all daily cleaning tasks and materials. That will ensure that all custodial tasks were completed and make tracking any potential issues easy.”
Specific: This goal focuses on accurately tracking all daily tasks and materials.
Measurable: It can be assessed by keeping up with all materials and tasks needed to keep the workplace clean.
Attainable: This is achievable that contributes to safe and organized premises and ensures that custodial tasks are correctly done.
Relevant: The statement is applicable as it serves the purpose of maintaining a hygienic working environment.
Time-based: Consider this an ongoing effort; you can pursue it daily or weekly.
12. Reduce Dust Buildup
“I plan to implement a cleaning schedule that reduces dust buildup in the facility by 20% in three months. To do this, I’ll ensure custodial staff knows the importance of dust removal and incorporate specific guidelines into their daily cleaning routines.”
Specific: The individual knows they must reduce dust buildup by 20% in three months.
Measurable: Reduction in dust buildup will be measured in percentages.
Attainable: This is achievable if the custodial staff follows appropriate cleaning protocols.
Relevant: The goal is relevant to their job and the overall cleanliness of the facility.
Time-based: Goal attainment will be achieved within three months.
13. Manage Time More Effectively
“I want to manage my time more effectively by the end of two months. I plan to use a calendar and checklist system to stay organized and take regular daily breaks to maximize my productivity.”
Specific: This details what you must do (use a calendar and checklist system, take regular daily breaks) and how long it will take (at least two months).
Measurable: You can measure your progress by recording tasks completed and breaks taken.
Attainable: Using a calendar and checklist system and taking regular breaks is definitely feasible.
Relevant: Managing your time more effectively will lead to increased productivity.
Time-based: You should expect success by the end of two months.
Final Thoughts
SMART goals are an effective tool for custodians to meet their job requirements. Whether it’s ensuring the cleanliness of their areas or safety standards, the SMART method allows you to stay on track and reach objectives.
Remember that although this is a valuable framework, it’s essential to remain flexible and open to changes that might come along the way. So don’t be afraid to get creative when setting your individual goals.