In today’s world, staying positive in times of adversity can be difficult. That’s why you should develop SMART goals. The SMART framework will help you focus on your vision and create actionable plans to reach your objectives.
By taking advantage of this goal-setting method, you can start making positive changes in your daily life. In this article, we’ll discuss the 13 best examples of SMART goals for positive thinking.
What is a SMART Goal?
The SMART system will enable you to create practical goals for positive thinking. In case you don’t know, SMART is an abbreviation for specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based.
Want more clarity? Here is a better explanation of each SMART letter:
Living with a positive outlook can be arduous when life throws you curveballs. To boost the chances of success, try being specific in what you want to achieve. Establishing precise goals provides a structure for your thoughts, allowing you to focus on what must be done to hit your desired targets.
Developing a positive mindset will undoubtedly open the door to these goals, but you must also take the extra step to keep those goals measurable. This criterion is crucial for any successful journey and should be considered when designing an action plan.
Rather than dreaming up grandiose plans that might not be feasible, you must stay grounded and think practically about what you can accomplish. And ensure your expectations are reasonable so you don’t become discouraged if things don’t happen overnight.
Setting goals that align with your values can provide a strong foundation for your life. It’s easy to give up if your goals lack emotion or purpose, but making them based on your core values can offer the strength you need to push forward.
A well-structured timeline allows you to remain focused and accomplish your ambitions. Success is not a one-off event but an ongoing journey requiring unwavering commitment. Later down the road, that hard work will pay dividends.
Types of SMART Goals for Positive Thinking
SMART goals can greatly improve ones mindset and overall mental health. Here are various types of SMART goals that are designed to promote thinking.
Gratitude Goals
Cultivating gratitude could enhance positivity. An example would be to write down three things you feel thankful for each day over the month. This entails dedicating five minutes every evening to reflect on the aspects of your day and recording them in a journal.
Affirmation Goals
Using affirmations can transform your perspective. A SMART goal could involve reciting five uplifting affirmations every morning for 90 days. Choose affirmations that resonate with you and say them aloud as part of your morning routine.
Cognitive Reframing Goals
Adjusting negative thought patterns is essential for fostering positivity. A goal could entail identifying and reframing one thought each day for the following 6 weeks. Keep track of thoughts analyze them and consciously replace them with optimistic alternatives.
Visualization Goals
Envisioning outcomes can amplify optimism. A great goal to set would be dedicating 5 minutes daily to visualize your goals and desired outcomes for the three months. This entails picturing success in your mind and focusing on it consistently to nurture a mindset.
Friendship Goals
A worthwhile goal could involve participating in an activity like meeting a friend or joining a community gathering at least once per week for the next half year. That requires planning engagements of time and actively reaching out to connect with others regularly.
13 SMART Goals Examples for Positive Thinking
1. Prioritize Self-Care
“I will create a self-care plan that includes exercise, healthy eating, and mental breaks within two months. I want to stay physically and mentally healthy to be more productive and positive throughout the day.”
Specific: This goal outlines self-care activities you will incorporate (exercise, healthy eating, and mental breaks).
Measurable: You could count the days you have accomplished self-care activities.
Attainable: Creating a self-care plan and incorporating the activities is definitely possible.
Relevant: This SMART goal reflects your desire to be healthy and positive.
Time-based: Goal completion is anticipated within two months.
2. Connect with Nature
“I want to ensure I’m taking time away from my work to reconnect with nature. By the end of three months, I’ll set aside one day a week off to enjoy nature in some way, whether it’s going for a hike or spending time at the beach.”
Specific: The statement is well-defined, laying out the objective and what will be done to achieve it.
Measurable: You can note how often the person takes a day off to appreciate nature.
Attainable: This is feasible by setting aside one day a week to go outside and take in nature’s beauty.
Relevant: Unplugging from work is essential to staying more positive.
Time-based: The deadline for this particular goal is three months.
3. Find Meaningful Work
“To become more engaged in my career, I will actively seek opportunities for meaningful work that align with my values within three months. This way, I can ensure that my skills and talents are being used for something more than just a paycheck.”
Specific: You know you must find meaningful opportunities in the upcoming three months.
Measurable: You could evaluate your progress by keeping a list of applications and interviews.
Attainable: There is enough time to seek these opportunities, so this goal is achievable.
Relevant: Finding meaningful work is necessary for longer-term satisfaction and happiness.
Time-based: You should expect results within three months.
4. Redefine Failure
“I will take the time to redefine failure and success and create a more balanced perspective of both. This means considering my accomplishments, challenges, and mistakes to understand how to better approach and learn from every experience.”
Specific: This is specific because the person knows they must redefine failure and success.
Measurable: You can determine progress by considering how your mindset changes over time.
Attainable: This goal is doable if the person takes the time to understand what failure and success mean to them.
Relevant: Positivity often starts with how you view failure. Reframing your thoughts can lead to more positive outcomes.
Time-based: Consider the target as an ongoing effort.
5. Set Boundaries
“I’ll set healthy boundaries in my relationships by the end of the month. I’ll create a personal code of conduct and be honest with those I interact with about what is and isn’t acceptable behavior. Additionally, I will remain firm if my boundaries are crossed.”
Specific: The statement clearly outlines the goal, what needs to change, and the time frame.
Measurable: This can be measured by creating a code of conduct and having honest conversations with others.
Attainable: Setting boundaries is a process that takes time, but it can be done in one month with dedication.
Relevant: Healthy boundaries promote a positive environment and build lasting relationships.
Time-based: A one-month timeline gives ample time to reach success.
6. Practice Gratitude
“I will incorporate daily gratitude exercises into my morning routine within the next three months. I hope to take a few moments each day to list three things I’m grateful for and to reflect on how each improves my life.”
Specific: This goal is about practicing gratitude daily to benefit from the positive effects.
Measurable: You can assess whether a daily gratitude exercise is incorporated into the morning routine over three months.
Attainable: This only requires a few moments of your time every day.
Relevant: Practicing gratitude can help one maintain a more positive outlook, which is why this goal is appropriate.
Time-based: There is a three-month window for this certain goal.

7. Develop Healthy Relationships
“I want to develop strong relationships with my colleagues, family, and friends. For two months, I’ll take one hour weekly to nurture meaningful connections with the people around me.”
Specific: The SMART goal is explicit because it outlines the type of relationships the person wants to develop and how much time they will dedicate to those relationships.
Measurable: The person can measure the quality of the relationships they have formed within two months.
Attainable: Building healthy relationships is possible within two months.
Relevant: The goal is pertinent to developing healthy relationships for positivity.
Time-based: Goal achievement is expected within two months.
8. Be Mindful of Language
“I want to be more conscious of my language, so I commit to replacing any offensive words or phrases with inclusive terms by the end of the year. I’ll strive to be more mindful of my language and ensure everyone feels heard and respected in conversations.”
Specific: The aim is to replace offensive words or phrases with more inclusive terms.
Measurable: You’ll track progress by reflecting on how often they use inclusive language.
Attainable: This is reachable since you’re taking active steps to ensure everyone feels heard and respected in conversations.
Relevant: The goal is appropriate because it addresses how language can impact conversations, ensuring they’re positive and inclusive.
Time-based: The statement is time-bound because it has an end date of one year.
9. Love Yourself
“To nourish my mental health, I will cultivate loving thoughts towards myself by the end of two months. I want to be comfortable with my strengths and weaknesses and use them to better myself.”
Specific: The SMART statement is to love yourself and develop positive thoughts.
Measurable: You can check your progress by how much your mindset has changed.
Attainable: This goal is doable because it’s up to you to develop positive thoughts about yourself.
Relevant: This goal is relevant to improving your positive mental health.
Time-based: Two months are required to accomplish success.
10. Identify Negative Thoughts
“I want to develop the ability to identify my negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones by the end of three months. I’ll strive to understand how these thoughts can impact my attitude, performance, and well-being.”
Specific: This is specific because the person wants to develop the ability to identify and replace negative thoughts with positive ones.
Measurable: Determine the number of negative thoughts you have identified and replaced in a week or month.
Attainable: This is possible if the individual puts in the effort necessary to achieve it.
Relevant: Identifying and replacing negative thoughts is a valuable skill that promotes a positive attitude.
Time-based: The goal should be completed in three months.
11. Volunteer in the Community
“I will volunteer and give back to my community by the end of 6 months. I want to spread positivity in our society, and I hope to be an inspiration for others.”
Specific: The individual wants to volunteer and give back to their community.
Measurable: Check how much time and effort you have put into your volunteering activities.
Attainable: Volunteering is readily available and accessible in most communities.
Relevant: The person wants to spread positivity, which is pertinent to their goal of being an inspiration.
Time-based: The goal will be accomplished after 6 months.
12. Celebrate Your Achievements
“I will recognize my successes and find ways to celebrate them for the 8 months ahead. I understand that celebrating accomplishments leads to positive thinking, which can help me make positive changes in my life.”
Specific: The aim is to celebrate successes within the 8 months ahead.
Measurable: You should be able to count how many successes you have had.
Attainable: This is possible because you can easily recognize successes as they occur and find ways to celebrate them.
Relevant: Celebrating successes can lead to positive thinking and new opportunities, making this a worthwhile goal.
Time-based: Completion of this goal is expected in 8 months.
13. Stop Comparing Yourself to Others
“I’ll make an effort to stop comparing myself to others and to focus on my development instead over 5 months. I want to strive to be the best version of myself and not try to keep up with a standard that doesn’t consider my unique strengths.”
Specific: The goal statement is to stop comparing with others and focus on growth.
Measurable: Count the times you compare yourself and how much effort you’ve put into your personal development.
Attainable: You can control your thoughts, so refraining from comparisons is definitely feasible.
Relevant: Comparing yourself to others can harm your positivity and well-being.
Time-based: You should strive to work on this goal for 5 months.
Final Thoughts
Remember that positive thinking starts with yourself. When setting SMART goals, use these examples as a starting point for formulating your own.
Monitor your progress and reward yourself for fostering a positive outlook. As you practice positive thinking each day, you’ll notice more opportunities and possibilities open up to you.
So go ahead and make those dreams a reality. You will take the necessary steps to be the best version of yourself.