Setting boundaries for our personal and professional lives can’t be overstated. Knowing when and how to say “no” is crucial to managing our time, energy, and resources successfully.
The SMART method can provide structure and help us prioritize our responsibilities while maintaining balance. In this post, we will explore examples of SMART goals to help you set boundaries in your life.
What is a SMART Goal?
The SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-based) framework will enable you to create effective goals for setting boundaries.
Still want more clarity? Let’s talk more about each SMART component:
Humans have an innate desire to be respected and have our boundaries honored. But for those boundaries to have value, one must set specific goals. Being clear with your intentions will encourage you to stick by them since they’ll be easy to understand.
It’s an undeniable fact that having a goal is paramount to success. However, you must also ensure that the goal is measurable. This criterion is essential for achieving the desired outcome and should never be overlooked.
Measurement helps you track progress and assess how far along you are in reaching your objectives. Moreover, by having quantifiable goals, you’ll have tangible results at every step, allowing you to make any necessary adjustments or amendments.
In today’s world, getting caught up in wanting everything immediately can be easy—we want the latest and greatest now. But when developing goals, it will be beneficial to approach them with more realism.
Consider how much effort and time you have available and set achievable objectives. If necessary, break down large goals into smaller ones to stay inspired long term. That will ensure success and prevent discouragement due to unrealistic expectations.
Setting goals that align with your values is vital to success. When the goals you set are meaningful and relevant to the life that you want, it will be easier to push on through times of difficulty.
No two people have the same values, so when crafting goals, think about what matters most. Ask yourself: What do I find important? What am I passionate about? Then, create an action plan that considers any challenges that may arise along the way.
A time frame is one way to stay accountable on this voyage. Allocating time for each step will prevent distractions from creeping in. You’ll be able to reflect quickly on your progress and keep your motivation levels high.
12 SMART Goals Examples for Setting Boundaries
Here are 12 examples of SMART goals for establishing boundaries:
1. Say No More Often
“I will practice saying ‘no’ more often for three months to have healthier boundaries and create a better work-life balance. I want to take on projects and tasks within my limits but not stretch myself so thin that I can’t succeed.”
Specific: The aim is to practice saying no more often.
Measurable: You can measure progress by seeing how many times you said no during the three months.
Attainable: It is achievable if you practice being assertive and establishing boundaries.
Relevant: Saying no is essential for setting healthier boundaries and creating a better work-life balance.
Time-based: The SMART goal needs to be achieved within three months.
2. Respect Your Own Time
“I’ll commit to respecting my time by scheduling mandatory breaks, vacations, and personal days into my work schedule. After three weeks, I won’t let myself become overwhelmed and overworked by taking on too many responsibilities.”
Specific: The goal is well-defined, detailing the person’s actions to ensure their well-being.
Measurable: Follow the listed action items to check how much time you are taking for yourself.
Attainable: This is achievable that can be met by scheduling these activities into their calendar.
Relevant: This goal is pertinent to ensure you don’t overwork yourself and take time for self-care.
Time-based: There is a three-week timeline for goal achievement.
3. Set Limits for Technology Use
“I understand the importance of staying connected, but I also know it can distract me from more important activities. Hence, I will set some limits for myself: I’ll only check my work email twice daily and will not answer calls after 6 pm.”
Specific: This goal outlines which activities (checking work emails and answering work calls) you’ll limit.
Measurable: You can count the times you check your emails and pick up work calls.
Attainable: Reducing the frequency you check emails and answer work calls is absolutely doable.
Relevant: Limiting these activities gives you more time to attend to important tasks.
Time-based: Check your emails twice daily and never answer work calls after 6 pm.
4. Communicate Assertively
“I will practice assertive communication in all my interactions with colleagues and clients within two months. I’ll employ ‘I’ statements, active listening, and other techniques to ensure that my needs are met without trampling on the needs of others.”
Specific: The goal states what communication skills will be practiced and how they will be used to interact with colleagues and clients.
Measurable: You can track how often you use assertive communication in interactions.
Attainable: Assertiveness can be learned with practice, so the two-month timeline is suitable for improving this skill.
Relevant: It is essential to communicate assertively with other people.
Time-based: The end date of two months provides enough time to reach success.
5. Stick to Your Decisions
“I want to stick to every decision I make by the end of two months. I will not let anyone pressure or influence me to change my decisions unless there are valid reasons; I’ll be more confident and trust my judgment.”
Specific: The SMART goal is explicit because it describes how to stick to one’s decisions.
Measurable: The person could evaluate how often they stuck to their decisions for two months.
Attainable: Sticking to decisions is feasible for many people.
Relevant: This is relevant to building self-confidence and trusting your judgment.
Time-based: Goal attainment is anticipated within two months.
6. Lean on Your Support System
“I’ll talk to a close friend, mentor, or trusted family member when I feel my boundaries are being pushed and need help setting them. I will prioritize my mental health by talking things out and leaning on others for support.”
Specific: You plan to talk with a close friend, mentor, or family member.
Measurable: You’ll determine progress by how often you reach out for help when needed.
Attainable: Finding someone you trust and can talk to about setting boundaries is possible.
Relevant: This goal is directly related to the issue of boundary setting.
Time-based: You should consider this an ongoing effort. Make sure to prioritize your mental health and find someone you can talk to regularly.
7. Speak Up for Yourself
“I will practice speaking up in conversations with friends and family once a week for the four months ahead. I want to use these conversations to practice my assertiveness and learn to communicate my needs.”
Specific: This statement focuses on learning to speak up and express your needs.
Measurable: Ensure you speak up in conversations with friends and family weekly for four months.
Attainable: Learning to express yourself takes practice but can be done over several months.
Relevant: Voicing your needs is an integral part of establishing boundaries.
Time-based: There is a timeline of four months for this goal.
8. Foster Healthy Relationships
“I will take the initiative to form relationships based on mutual respect and camaraderie with my colleagues for 8 months. I want to create a workplace atmosphere that encourages collaboration and teamwork.”

Specific: The individual wants to foster healthy relationships with their colleagues.
Measurable: You want to create a workplace atmosphere encouraging collaboration and teamwork.
Attainable: This goal is possible because you are simply taking the initiative to form relationships.
Relevant: This is appropriate since nurturing relationships will create a stronger workplace dynamic.
Time-based: You have an 8-month window to achieve the goal.
9. Establish Firm Rules
“I will adhere to specific rules to act professionally throughout the day. I’ll avoid taking too many personal calls, putting myself in vulnerable situations with colleagues, and discussing private health matters or finances. I’ll follow and enforce these rules no later than two weeks from now.”
Specific: The goal states the objective and what will be done to accomplish it.
Measurable: You could look at whether or not the rules are enforced within two weeks.
Attainable: This SMART goal is achievable because it requires a finite amount of time to set up and enforce rules.
Relevant: This is relevant because it helps you maintain professionalism at work.
Time-based: There is a two-week timeline for success.
10. Understand Your Triggers
“I’ll create a list of personal triggers that I have identified and put them in writing. I want to become aware of my reactions to certain situations so that I can work on improving. I plan to review this list every month for one year.”
Specific: This goal is explicit in that you want to create a list of personal triggers and review it regularly.
Measurable: Check off the boxes after reviewing the list each month.
Attainable: Creating a list of triggers is a realistic goal that can be achieved within a year.
Relevant: Understanding your triggers can allow you to improve in different areas of life.
Time-based: Completion of the goal is expected after a year.
11. Identify Limitations
“I’ll identify what I can and cannot tolerate in my relationships with others within a month. By reflecting on my values and boundaries, I will be better equipped to set healthy limits with those around me.”
Specific: The individual knows they must reflect on their values and boundaries.
Measurable: Ensure you identify what you can and cannot tolerate in relationships.
Attainable: This is definitely possible with adequate self-reflection.
Relevant: The statement is appropriate for the individual’s desire to set healthy boundaries.
Time-based: Goal attainment will be met within a month.
12. Avoid Overcommitment
“I will limit my commitments to no more than two major projects at any given time for 10 months. I understand that overcommitment can be counterproductive and create undue stress, so I’ll only take on tasks within my capacity.”
Specific: This goal outlines how many commitments you will take on and for how long (10 months).
Measurable: You could count the number of projects you’ve taken on.
Attainable: This particular goal is feasible as it’s not overly ambitious.
Relevant: Limiting commitments will reduce stress and create a healthier work-life balance.
Time-based: Ten months is required for goal achievement.
Final Thoughts
Establishing boundaries and reaching goals go hand in hand. Developing SMART goals can help us create effective boundaries, allowing us to achieve success with greater ease.
By adding clarity and structure to our lives, we can better identify our personal needs and wants, setting the stage for a more balanced lifestyle.
So don’t just sit there. Get SMART about your boundaries today. Make goals to create your desired life and start experiencing the benefits of improved balance.