13 SMART Goals Examples for Transaction Coordinators

Purchasing a property is one of the largest financial decisions an individual or business can make. With so much at stake, it’s crucial to have a seamless process in place to ensure a successful transaction.

Transaction coordinators manage all the details and paperwork in buying or selling real estate. They act as a liaison between the different parties involved in the transaction, like buyers, sellers, agents, and lenders.

To excel in this role, coordinators must have specific skills and qualities. That’s why we’ll discuss 13 examples of SMART goals for transaction coordinators. They will allow you to provide exceptional client service.

What is a SMART Goal?

SMART is a potent tool for transaction coordinators, enabling them to set work objectives. The acronym signifies Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-based.

Still wondering how this applies to you? Let’s delve into each element of the SMART criteria:


Undefined goals may cause confusion, leading to wasted resources and time. By defining clear-cut goals, you can better grasp your tasks, boosting effectiveness.

It’s fundamental for coordinators to identify required actions and allocate responsibilities. That leads to a comprehensive plan that teams can adhere to and helps foresee potential obstacles early.


It’s imperative to assign measurable attributes to your goals. You’ll be able to highlight areas that need enhancement. Without this component, it’s hard to gauge whether your efforts are fruitful or if you’re merely running in circles.


While lofty ambitions can be exhilarating, achieving success without realistic expectations may remain elusive. Assessing what’s possible within your resources is essential.

But do not completely rule out ambitious goals. Recognize that the secret lies in harmonizing aspiration with practicality.


Setting goals that coincide with your values as a transaction coordinator can act as a motivation booster. Your core principles guide you, helping you navigate through tough times.


A definite timeline aids in sticking to your schedule and maintaining a sharp focus on your objectives. Since success isn’t immediate, a deadline can promote grit and perseverance over time.

13 SMART Goals Examples for Transaction Coordinators

1. Boost Efficiency by Automating Processes

“Over 6 months, I’ll work with my team to identify repetitive tasks and develop automated processes for those tasks. This should result in a 20% increase in productivity and save at least two hours each week.”

Specific: The statement outlines the objective of identifying repetitive tasks and developing automated processes, resulting in increased productivity.

Measurable: A quantifiable metric is provided—a 20% increase in productivity and saving of two hours weekly.

Attainable: By working with the team, you can devise efficient ways to automate processes, making it feasible.

Relevant: Automating repetitive tasks can free up valuable time for transaction coordinators to focus on more critical responsibilities.

Time-based: Your goal has a timeline of 6 months to reach success.

2. Enhance Communication With Clients

“Improve client communication by sending weekly updates on their transactions, responding to inquiries within 24 hours, and implementing a feedback system. I aim to see an increase in client satisfaction scores by 20% within 8 months.”

Specific: The SMART goal is detailed in listing explicit actions that will improve communication with clients.

Measurable: Client satisfaction scores could be measured before and after implementing the improvements.

Attainable: Enhancing communication with clients is possible through consistent effort and implementation of feedback systems.

Relevant: The goal pertains to improving customer service and maintaining positive client relationships.

Time-based: Goal achievement is expected by the end of 8 months.

3. Increase Accuracy in Document Management

“The aim is to improve the accuracy of document management by 50% within three months. I’ll work on creating a standardized system for document organization and help conduct training sessions for the team.”

Specific: This goal targets improving accuracy in document management by 50%, specifically through creating a standardized system and conducting training.

Measurable: Creating a new system and conducting training are tangible actions that can be assessed.

Attainable: While 50% improvement may seem ambitious, it is doable with a well-organized system and proper training.

Relevant: This is relevant for transaction coordinators as accurate document management is crucial in real estate transactions.

Time-based: Three months is the required deadline for excellence.

4. Develop Strong Negotiation Abilities

“I’ll improve my negotiation skills by enrolling in a negotiation course and practicing with friends. By the end of the year, I will feel more confident and be able to negotiate better deals for my clients.”

Specific: You know what to do (enroll in a course, practice) in order to develop excellent negotiation abilities.

Measurable: The level of confidence and ability to negotiate better deals can be evaluated by the end of the year.

Attainable: Enrolling in a course and practicing with friends are reasonable actions that could lead to improved negotiation skills.

Relevant: As a transaction coordinator, negotiating is crucial for getting the best deals for your clients.

Time-based: You’ve got a one-year window to attain the desired outcome.

5. Expand Network of Industry Contacts

“I will have added 5 new contacts in the real estate industry to my professional network in two months. I’ll attend two networking events per month and follow up with each new contact within one week of meeting them.”

Specific: Expand your network of contacts in the real estate industry for two months.

Measurable: Count the number of new contacts added (5) and track attendance at networking events (two per month).

Attainable: This is a reasonable goal that can be met through attending events and actively seeking out new contacts.

Relevant: A strong network of industry contacts can lead to more business opportunities.

Time-based: The SMART statement will be met after two months.

6. Prioritize Tasks More Effectively

“By the end of the month, I will prioritize my daily tasks using a to-do list and productivity apps in order to complete all necessary work on time and with high-quality results.”

Specific: The person will use a to-do list and productivity apps to prioritize tasks within a month.

Measurable: You can track the number of tasks completed and their quality to determine if prioritization has improved.

Attainable: Noting down tasks and using productivity apps will help reduce procrastination and increase efficiency.

Relevant: Prioritization is crucial for transaction coordinators, as they often have multiple tasks that must be completed.

Time-based: There is a one-month end date for goal completion.

7. Streamline Transaction Workflow

“It’s important for our team to be able to process and complete transactions in a more efficient manner. By implementing new software and training our team on its use, we aim to reduce transaction processing time by 25% within 9 months.”

Specific: Reduce transaction processing time by 25% using new software and training.

Measurable: Track the time it takes for transactions to be processed before and after implementing new software.

Attainable: By providing sufficient training and resources, it is achievable to minimize transaction processing time.

Relevant: Streamlining workflow is essential for success as a coordinator.

Time-based: There is a 9-month time frame to accomplish the goal.

8. Master the Use of Technology Tools

“I want to become proficient in utilizing technology tools for real estate transactions within 6 months. I’ll dedicate one hour daily to practice using various tools like CRMs, electronic signatures, and document management systems.”

Specific: This explains the skill that needs to be developed, and how much time will be dedicated to it daily.

Measurable: Count the number of tools they have learned and how comfortable they feel using them.

Attainable: Not an overwhelming time is required daily, making it possible.

Relevant: In today’s digital age, being adept at using technology tools is critical to real estate transactions.

Time-based: You should anticipate success after 6 entire months.

9. Improve Conflict Resolution Skills

“I’ll read two books on conflict resolution and apply the techniques learned to resolve at least three conflicts in my transactions within a month.”

Specific: You’ve defined what you need to do (read two books and resolve three conflicts).

Measurable: Keep track of the books read and the conflicts that have been resolved.

Attainable: Assuming you have access to the books and are actively involved in transactions, this statement is achievable.

Relevant: Improving conflict resolution skills leads to smoother transactions and better client satisfaction.

Time-based: One month is necessary to achieve optimal success.

10. Provide Exceptional Customer Service

“For the next three months, I will focus on providing exceptional customer service to clients and colleagues by actively listening, promptly responding to inquiries, and following up on tasks.”

Specific: You have precise actions available—actively listen, respond promptly, and follow up.

Measurable: Determine the number of inquiries responded to and tasks completed.

Attainable: With regular communication and diligent follow-up, providing exceptional customer service is absolutely feasible.

Relevant: Coordinators are responsible for handling various relationships, making customer service key to their work.

Time-based: The SMART goal will be met within three months.

11. Deepen Knowledge of Real Estate Regulations

“Within four months, I want to complete an online course on real estate regulations and obtain a certification. I’ll also attend two webinars on changing regulations in the industry.”

Specific: The individual aims to deepen their knowledge of real estate regulations by completing an online course and attending webinars.

Measurable: Evaluate how close you are to completing the course and attending the webinars.

Attainable: While obtaining a certification may require effort, it is a feasible goal to deepen one’s knowledge of real estate regulations.

Relevant: As transaction coordinators, it’s vital to stay knowledgeable about changes in the industry’s regulations.

Time-based: Your goal has a deadline of four months to succeed.

12. Cultivate a High Level of Professionalism

“I understand that the transaction coordination role requires a high level of professionalism, and I commit to consistently displaying professionalism in all aspects of my work by the end of 7 months.”

Specific: The goal is well-defined, stating the objective and how it will be reached.

Measurable: This can be measured through self-evaluation and feedback from colleagues and managers.

Attainable: Consistently practice professionalism, and it will become a habit and part of one’s work ethic.

Relevant: Professionalism is crucial in the transaction coordination role as it sets a positive example for others.

Time-based: Goal attainment is set within a time frame of 7 months.

13. Achieve Consistent and Timely Closings

“I’ll implement a system for monitoring all transactions to ensure consistent and timely closings for our clients in 6 months. That will include regular check-ins with all parties involved in the transaction process.”

Specific: This specifies a system to be implemented and regular check-ins to be conducted.

Measurable: Since the system will be in place, it will make it easy to track and ensure all transactions are closed on time.

Attainable: Any coordinator can succeed with a systematic approach and effective communication.

Relevant: Consistent and timely closings are essential for maintaining good client relationships and ensuring smooth operations.

Time-based: The goal statement has a 6-month deadline.

Final Thoughts

Do not be deterred if some of your SMART goals aren’t met within the designated time frame. Use these as learning opportunities to adjust and improve your goal-setting strategies in the future.

Transaction coordinators who work towards achieving SMART goals will be better equipped to handle the fast-paced real estate industry. Your hard work will pay off in the long run with improved knowledge in your career.

Keep pushing yourself, remain laser-focused, and always strive to improve. Triumph is possible with the right amount of determination. Good luck on your path to professional growth.

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Rei Shen

Rei is the founder of Success in Depth. He is passionate about self-improvement and brings years of experience in goal setting to empower readers to reach their aspirations. He has been featured on sites like Yahoo News, AOL, The Epoch Times, and more.