13 SMART Goals Examples for Asthma Patients

Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition affecting millions of people worldwide. It can affect the quality of life, limit physical activity, and increase the risk of severe asthma attacks.

Recognize that managing asthma requires personalized care and a set of practical goals. In this article, we explore 13 examples of SMART goals for any asthma patient.

These goals are designed to help individuals manage their asthma better, reduce the frequency of asthma attacks, and boost overall respiratory health.

What is a SMART Goal?

Creating SMART goals for asthma patients is vital for managing the condition. SMART stands for specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based.

Let’s explore each criterion and how it can help you handle your condition:


You should know that specificity provides clarity and direction for people who have asthma. Vague goals can make it challenging to manage one’s respiratory condition.

For instance, setting a precise goal to “reduce the number of asthma attacks per month by 50%” provides clear guidance on what must be done to deal with the condition better.


Measurable goals are crucial to monitor progress and effectively manage asthma. By quantifying progress, it will be easier to track asthma triggers, peak flow readings, and medication adherence. You’ll determine exactly how much headway has been made over time.


It is critical to consider the patient’s current abilities and strengths. Unrealistic expectations may lead to frustration, negatively impacting the patient’s asthma management journey.

Identifying objectives that the patient can accomplish within their current skill set will enable them to maintain momentum and work steadily towards their asthma management goals.


Relevance involves focusing on goals key to the patient’s well-being and ultimately leading to better asthma management. That means setting goals according to the patient’s values and motivations for maximum success.


By creating robust deadlines, you can pace yourself and avoid distractions that may derail progress. To illustrate, establishing a goal to “take medication at 3 PM every day” could support you in managing asthma while keeping track of time.

13 SMART Goals Examples for Asthma Patients

Let’s look at some examples of SMART goals for asthma patients:

1. Improve Inhaler Technique

“I’ll work with my doctor and an asthma educator to improve my inhaler technique within three months to maximize my medicines’ benefit. I hope to ensure that my asthma control is better than before.”

Specific: The goal outlines what the person aims to achieve (improving inhaler technique), who they will work with (doctor and asthma educator), and the time frame (three months).

Measurable: You can measure progress through feedback from healthcare providers and improved asthma control.

Attainable: Improving inhaler technique is achievable with the help of a doctor and asthma educator.

Relevant: This statement applies to better asthma management and control.

Time-based: Success is expected to be accomplished within three months.

2. Monitor Asthma Symptoms

“I will diligently track my asthma symptoms by filling out an asthma diary or using an app on my phone for 5 months. I want to have a better understanding of what triggers my asthma so that I can prevent future flare-ups and more severe symptoms.”

Specific: This goal for asthma management is well-defined, detailing the ideal result and deadline.

Measurable: Progress can be assessed through symptom tracking and identifying triggers.

Attainable: This is possible with consistent tracking and attention to symptoms.

Relevant: Monitoring asthma symptoms is a critical component of effective asthma management.

Time-based: Goal completion is expected after 5 whole months.

3. Create Action Plan With Medical Provider

“To better coordinate my asthma care, I’ll take the initiative to develop an asthma action plan with my medical provider within two months. This plan will help me better communicate with my provider, monitor symptoms, and provide support when needed.”

Specific: The SMART goal details writing an action plan for asthma and its purpose to improve communication and symptom management.

Measurable: Accomplishment is measured by completing the written action plan.

Attainable: It’s feasible to develop an action plan in two months with guidance from a healthcare provider.

Relevant: A written action plan is essential for successful asthma management.

Time-based: This goal statement has a deadline of two months.

4. Practice Relaxation Techniques

“Within three months, I will learn two relaxation techniques and practice them daily to reduce the severity of asthma symptoms. These could be yoga, guided meditation, or any other type of technique that I find helpful.”

Specific: You know the particular action (learning relaxation techniques) and the anticipated outcome (reducing symptom severity).

Measurable: Improvements can be measured through ongoing symptom control.

Attainable: Practicing relaxation techniques is feasible with consistent daily practice.

Relevant: Relaxation techniques are a non-medical way of mitigating asthma symptoms.

Time-based: You have a three-month end date to reach this certain goal.

5. Control Environmental Triggers

“I’ll identify and limit my exposure to environmental triggers that worsen my asthma symptoms within four months. That includes limiting my time outdoors during certain times of the year, avoiding smoke-filled environments, and being mindful about the products I use at home.”

Specific: The SMART goal outlines the objective—to identify and control environmental triggers.

Measurable: You can gauge progress through reduced asthma symptoms and fewer instances of triggers.

Attainable: This goal is doable with attention to personal surroundings and controlling exposure.

Relevant: Addressing environmental triggers is a crucial aspect of controlling asthma symptoms.

Time-based: Four whole months are required to accomplish success.

6. Use Prescribed Medications

“I will take my prescribed asthma medications as directed, at the recommended times and in the correct doses. I also want to track how often I need to use my rescue inhaler and report any changes to my doctor.”

Specific: The goal is easy to understand. You want to encourage adherence to prescribed medications.

Measurable: Ensure you adhere to continued medication and report any side effects.

Attainable: Adhering to prescribed medications is definitely possible with consistency and diligence.

Relevant: The goal is focused on medication compliance, which is key to controlling asthma efficiently.

Time-based: This is an ongoing effort; consistent medication adherence as prescribed by the medical professional.

7. Increase Lung Function

“For a healthy breathing pattern, I will work with my doctor to increase my lung function by 10% over the next 10 months. This will ideally give me a better quality of life, with less coughing and breathlessness.”

Specific: The goal clearly defines the overall objective: increasing lung function.

Measurable: Success can be evaluated through pulmonary function testing and improved disease control over time.

Attainable: Make sure you receive support from a healthcare provider and an emphasis on treatment compliance.

Relevant: Enhancing lung function is pertinent to improved asthma control and quality of life.

Time-based: Goal achievement is expected over 10 months.

8. Perform Regular Exercise

“I want to perform 30 minutes of light exercise daily for at least two weeks to help improve my breathing and reduce the frequency of asthma attacks.”

Specific: The statement is unambiguous, stating the required action to take.

Measurable: You should count the number of times the exercise is performed.

Attainable: The goal is realistic, and the duration and intensity of exercise are achievable.

Relevant: This is pertinent to managing asthma and improving breathing.

Time-based: You have a time frame of two weeks to succeed.

9. Avoid Allergens

“My aim is to minimize my contact with allergens like dust mites, pet dander, and pollen within a month. I’ll start by purchasing an air filter, designating areas in my home to keep pets out of, and being aware of what triggers my asthma episodes.”

Specific: The aim is to avoid and identify several methods of avoidance.

Measurable: Make sure you monitor any asthma episodes on a regular basis.

Attainable: Avoiding allergens can be done with proper management measures.

Relevant: The SMART goal addresses triggers commonly associated with asthmatic attacks.

Time-based: You have a one-month window for reaching this goal.

10. Take Time to Manage Stress

“To reduce stress levels, I will take at least 10 minutes each day over the following two months to manage anxiety. I hope to achieve a calmer, more content state of mind that will improve my overall health.”

Specific: You want to handle stress and reduce the number of asthma attacks.

Measurable: Assess the frequency of asthma attacks that occur regularly.

Attainable: Practicing stress management techniques for at least 10 minutes daily is within your capabilities.

Relevant: This goal statement relates to managing and reducing asthma symptoms.

Time-based: There is a deadline of two months to meet this certain goal.

11. Participate in Educational Programs

“I will participate in two educational programs related to asthma management during the next 7 months. This initiative will enable me to learn more about asthma and develop better coping skills.”

Specific: The plan is to participate in two educational programs related to asthma management.

Measurable: You should check the increased knowledge and coping skills for managing asthma.

Attainable: Anyone can attend seminars or training programs related to asthma management.

Relevant: This goal applies to enhancing your asthma management skills.

Time-based: Goal attainment should be met in the following 7 months.

12. Keep Your Home Clean

“I plan to vacuum and dust my home every week to reduce the number of trigger particles contributing to asthma attacks. This action will lead to fewer asthma attacks over the course of four months.”

Specific: The goal is concise and clear, stating the objective and how to reach it.

Measurable: Vacuuming and dusting each week will make it easier to track whether the number of asthma attacks has declined.

Attainable: The SMART goal can be met by freeing up time weekly to vacuum and dust.

Relevant: This is relevant to asthma since it reduces the number of trigger particles that can cause asthma attacks.

Time-based: Four months are needed to accomplish this particular goal.

13. Get Support From Family and Friends

“I want to contact family and friends for support when my asthma worsens. Within the two weeks ahead. I will create a list of people who are willing to provide emotional or physical support when I need it.”

Specific: Asthma patients strive to create a support system from friends and family.

Measurable: The effectiveness of the support system can be determined by emotional support.

Attainable: You can reach out to family and friends for support in asthma management.

Relevant: This is suitable for developing asthma management skills through emotional and physical support.

Time-based: You have a deadline of two weeks to attain lasting success.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, establishing SMART goals for asthma management can lead to better control of the condition, reduced asthma attacks, and improved respiratory health.

The examples provided in this post can serve as a starting point for individuals and healthcare providers when creating individualized asthma management plans.

You can take ownership of your asthma and make lifestyle changes that can help manage your condition effectively. Ultimately, having a tailored roadmap can significantly improve your quality of life.

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Rei Shen

Rei is the founder of Success in Depth. He is passionate about self-improvement and brings years of experience in goal setting to empower readers to reach their aspirations. He has been featured on sites like Yahoo News, AOL, The Epoch Times, and more.