13 SMART Goals Examples for Document Controllers

Document controllers play a vital role in any organization. They are responsible for organizing, managing, and controlling documents of all types.

The SMART method allows document controllers to stay productive and motivated while achieving success. SMART goals provide structure and clarity to support them in organizing and controlling documents.

In this article, we will explore some examples of SMART goals specific to the job function of document control.

What is a SMART Goal?

The SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-based) system will enable document controllers to establish effective goals for success.

Still confused? Here is a better explanation of each SMART element:


The more detailed you are when setting your document control goals, the better the chances you’ll reach them. Specificity can foster accountability within an organization. Outlining specific goals makes expectations apparent, and everyone will know exactly what to do for the initiative to succeed.


Measuring a goal assures that the desired outcome has been met and allows document controllers to track their progress along the way. Without this criterion in place, there’s no way of knowing if a goal was successful.


Pursuing ambitious goals may lead to frustration, but being realistic can make all the difference when striving for success. Working with colleagues and other stakeholders to set achievable goals gives everyone a sense of direction, helping operations run more smoothly.


Establishing purposeful goals that reflect your beliefs will inspire you to reach the heights of success. When times become difficult, your core values will remain a sturdy compass to keep you on track. You’ll do everything necessary to reach your dreams.


Having a timetable can turn daunting tasks into manageable chunks, allowing for more focus along the way. You’ll be able to reach different milestones or checkpoints while having the end goal in sight.

13 SMART Goals Examples for Document Controllers

Here are 13 examples of SMART goals for document controllers:

1. Establish Documentation Process

“Within three months, I’ll establish and implement new documentation processes within my team. I want to create new templates and processes for submitting, approving, and storing documents.”

Specific: The aim is to establish and implement new documentation processes.

Measurable: Use metrics such as the number of templates created and the time to store documents.

Attainable: This goal is definitely realistic, given the time frame provided.

Relevant: Creating documentation processes is important for keeping track of documents and ensuring accuracy.

Time-based: The new processes should be implemented after three months.

2. Update Quality Standards

“I will update the quality standards to include any new rules and regulations within 6 months. That way, we can stay compliant with any changes in the industry and keep our document storage up to date with the latest standards.”

Specific: The SMART statement is to update the quality standards with new rules and regulations.

Measurable: You can track how many standards you have updated.

Attainable: Realize that updating the quality standards is a feasible goal.

Relevant: Keeping your documents updated with the latest standards ensures compliance and accuracy.

Time-based: The goal is expected to be achieved in 6 months.

3. Automate Routine Tasks

“I’ll use available technology to automate routine document control processes to minimize manual tasks. By the end of four months, I hope to free up more time for higher-value activities that require advanced skills.”

Specific: The goal involves using technology to automate document control processes.

Measurable: Progress can be measured by the number of manual tasks minimized.

Attainable: The goal is achievable with the right resources and time.

Relevant: Automating document control processes frees up time for other activities.

Time-based: Goal attainment will be met within four months.

4. Improve Change Management

“I will introduce and implement a new change management process within the document control team after 6 months. The process should be designed to ensure smoother, more effective change management for all our documents and related processes.”

Specific: The goal is well-defined, outlining the objective and expected outcome.

Measurable: By introducing a new change management process, the document control team can measure its effectiveness in handling changes.

Attainable: This goal is possible with proper planning and implementation of a new change management process.

Relevant: This is appropriate for document control teams, ensuring better handling of document changes and related processes.

Time-based: Six months are required to accomplish success.

5. Implement Security Protocols

“I will ensure all documents are securely stored and accessed with the right encryption protocols by the end of three months. I want employees, customers, and stakeholders to feel safe sharing documents with our company.”

Specific: This goal outlines the objective, what it involves, and when it should be completed.

Measurable: You can look at the number of documents stored securely and with the correct encryption protocols.

Attainable: This can be achieved in three months as security protocols are easily implemented.

Relevant: The goal is vital for the safety and privacy of customers, employees, and stakeholders.

Time-based: The statement has a three-month timeline for completion.

6. Streamline Document Retrieval

“I’ll create an automated document retrieval system that increases efficiency in retrieving documents needed for a project within two months. This would reduce time spent manually searching for documents and make it easier to find the necessary resources.”

Specific: You have precise actions available—creating an automated system.

Measurable: Your success can be measured by how long it takes to retrieve documents.

Attainable: This is reasonable given the two-month time frame.

Relevant: This goal is related to increasing efficiency in document retrieval.

Time-based: Expect goal completion within the next two months.

7. Minimize Errors and Omissions

“I’ll strive to reduce errors and omissions by 10% within four months. I want to institute a standardized process for reviewing documents, train employees on proper document management, and track errors regularly.”

Specific: The goal is explicit because it outlines a plan to reduce errors and omissions by 10%.

Measurable: Evaluate the process used to review documents and track errors regularly.

Attainable: This SMART goal is doable if the team implements a standardized document review process and trains employees.

Relevant: Minimizing errors and omissions are essential for effective document control management.

Time-based: The goal should be reached after four months.

8. Enhance User Experience

user engagement

“Over the 7 months ahead, I want to improve user experience by creating more intuitive and user-friendly documents with better navigation. I will use data-driven methods to redesign documents for improved readability.”

Specific: The desire is to improve user experience during the following 7 months.

Measurable: Gain user feedback to measure your document designs’ effectiveness.

Attainable: You will use data-driven methods to make the documents more user-friendly and easy to navigate.

Relevant: Providing a better user experience is essential for document controllers.

Time-based: There is a 7-month end date to meet your target.

9. Reduce Processing Time

“I will reduce the time it takes to process documents by 10% in the next four months. I understand this will require me to look for new and improved methods for processing documents, and I’m up for the challenge.”

Specific: This goal is about reducing the time allocated to process documents.

Measurable: This is evaluated by a 10% time reduction in four months.

Attainable: Document processing can be improved, so this goal is achievable.

Relevant: Streamlining document processing is essential for efficient workflows.

Time-based: You have four months to complete this particular goal.

10. Utilize Digital Solutions

“I want to research and implement digital document management solutions for the company for three months. This will help us streamline document processes, reduce mail costs, and improve customer communication.”

Specific: The individual researches and implements digital document management solutions for the company.

Measurable: The person has a timeline of three months to meet success.

Attainable: This is attainable because digital solutions exist to streamline document processes and reduce costs.

Relevant: The statement applies to the role of document controller and directly impacts costs and customer communication.

Time-based: You have three whole months to achieve this goal.

11. Boost Your Productivity

“I’ll boost my productivity by 10% by the end of the quarter, utilizing best practices and tools to get work done faster. I will take full advantage of any online resources and training to help maximize my performance in the workplace.”

Specific: The goal is evident as it outlines how to increase productivity.

Measurable: You could determine the changes in productivity every month.

Attainable: Realize that boosting productivity is absolutely doable.

Relevant: Higher productivity will help maximize your performance as a document controller.

Time-based: Goal achievement is anticipated within the next quarter.

12. Improve Audits and Inspections

“I want to become more efficient in my document control processes. Within two months, I will improve audits and inspections by 20% in terms of time and accuracy. I want a more efficient system to save time and money.”

Specific: The SMART goal is easy to understand, detailing the objective and how it will be reached.

Measurable: Audits and inspections can be tracked in time and accuracy, allowing for a quantifiable result.

Attainable: This is achievable by improving processes, utilizing resources, and making changes to improve the system.

Relevant: This goal is appropriate because it will lead to a more efficient system, allowing for cost savings and improved productivity.

Time-based: There is a two-month timeline for success.

13. Expand Knowledge Base

“I will continue to expand my knowledge base as a document controller by attending conferences, workshops, and seminars this year. I hope to stay current on the latest industry trends and practices and network with experts in the field.”

Specific: This goal states what you must do (attend conferences, workshops, and seminars) and why (to stay current on industry practices and network with professionals).

Measurable: Count the number of conferences, workshops, and seminars you attend in a year.

Attainable: It is realistic to attend a few of these events every year.

Relevant: Expanding your knowledge base as a document controller is essential for the job’s success.

Time-based: You have an entire year to complete this particular goal.

Final Thoughts

Developing SMART goals for document controllers ensure their tasks are completed promptly and satisfactorily.

Document controllers should focus on setting specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound goals to boost their chances of success.

With these guidelines in mind, you can use the examples provided as inspiration for creating your own set of SMART goals. So go ahead and elevate your document-controlling skills to the next level.

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Rei Shen

Rei is the founder of Success in Depth. He is passionate about self-improvement and brings years of experience in goal setting to empower readers to reach their aspirations. He has been featured on sites like Yahoo News, AOL, The Epoch Times, and more.