13 SMART Goals Examples for Mechanical Engineers

Have you ever wondered how some of the best mechanical engineers stay productive and motivated while working on ambitious projects? Setting SMART goals is a powerful tool to achieve career success most efficiently.

Leveraging SMART goals will help you remain focused and organized while breaking up your large-scale project into smaller steps. We’ve outlined 13 SMART goals for mechanical engineers to help you get started.

You will learn how to structure SMART goals, what the criteria for each of them are, and find practical examples to kick-start your goal-setting journey.

What is a SMART Goal?

The SMART system is a powerful tool for mechanical engineers to establish concrete objectives for their work. The acronym stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Based.

Still unsure how this works? Let’s unpack each aspect of the SMART criteria:


Vague targets can lead to confusion and misdirected efforts, squandering resources and time. But when you craft well-articulated goals, you better understand the tasks at hand, enhancing productivity and proficiency.

For mechanical engineers, it’s crucial to pinpoint what actions are necessary and who is responsible for executing these tasks. This provides a solid plan that teams can follow, highlighting potential hurdles to be addressed early on.


Quantifying your engineering goals is critical for success. Monitoring progress allows you to recognize areas in need of improvement. Without this step, it becomes challenging to determine whether your efforts yield results or if you’re just treading water.


While it’s easy to get swept up in the thrill of grand ambitions, without a solid plan and realistic expectations, you might not achieve your desired outcomes.

Considering your current situation as a mechanical engineer, it’s essential to assess what’s genuinely feasible, given your resources and the time frame in which you aim to achieve excellence.

That said, lofty goals aren’t entirely out of bounds. The trick is striking a balance between aspiration and feasibility.


Pursuing goals that resonate with your values as a mechanical engineer can motivate you to reach your intended outcomes. Your fundamental principles are a compass, helping you persist through challenging times in life.


Establishing a precise timeline helps you adhere to your schedule and hyper-focus on your objectives. Since success isn’t instantaneous, having a deadline can encourage dedication and consistent effort over time.

13 SMART Goals Examples for Mechanical Engineers

1. Become Certified in CAD Drafting

“I want to become a certified CAD drafter within the next 9 months. I plan to complete the required coursework, read 10 books or articles on CAD drafting, and pass the certification exam.”

Specific: The individual aims to become certified as a CAD drafter within 9 months.

Measurable: Ensure you follow through on your plan to complete coursework, read up on the topic, and pass a certification exam.

Attainable: Nine months is an achievable timeline for completing the certification requirements.

Relevant: This goal is appropriate for mechanical engineers as CAD technology is becoming increasingly important.

Time-based: The statement has a set end date of 9 months.

2. Improve Efficiency in the Workplace

“By the next quarter, I’ll have improved my efficiency in the workplace by utilizing time management and task organization techniques. I will create a daily to-do list to prioritize my tasks and work more efficiently.”

Specific: Utilize time management and task organization techniques within a quarter.

Measurable: Have a to-do list that can help you gauge your progress.

Attainable: It is possible to improve your efficiency in the workplace with proper time management and task organization.

Relevant: Improving efficiency in the workplace is vital to success in the field of mechanical engineering.

Time-based: Success should be achieved within three months.

3. Develop Skills for Designing Machinery

“I will develop the necessary skills for designing complex machinery. Over the following year, I plan to attend workshops and seminars in order to gain expertise in CAD software and automation technologies.”

Specific: This SMART goal sets out what must be done and a timeline for completion.

Measurable: Evaluate the user’s level of comfort using CAD software regularly.

Attainable: This is realistic because it allows a full year to complete the necessary skills training.

Relevant: The goal relates to designing complex machinery, which would be valuable to any mechanical engineering company.

Time-based: You have a time frame of one year for completion.

4. Enhance Troubleshooting Techniques

“I’ll strive to take a course in troubleshooting and work with more experienced mechanical engineers to learn their methods. I hope to troubleshoot complex problems without assistance after 6 months.”

Specific: This is explicit since it details learning how to troubleshoot complex problems independently in a defined period.

Measurable: Evaluate progress by taking a course and getting feedback from more experienced engineers.

Attainable: The timeline of 6 months is feasible, and the resources to reach success are available.

Relevant: Troubleshooting is a fundamental skill mechanical engineers need, so this goal is pertinent.

Time-based: Achievement of the goal is expected within 6 months.

5. Provide On-Site Support to Machines

“I want to increase the efficiency of mechanical maintenance operations by providing on-site support for machines by the end of four months. I’ll speak with my team about ways to streamline machine maintenance and organize visits by technicians.”

Specific: You aim to increase the efficiency of mechanical maintenance operations by providing on-site support for machines.

Measurable: Determine the efficiency of maintenance operations over four months.

Attainable: Engineers can develop a plan to streamline maintenance and organize visits by technicians, ensuring that the goal is realistic.

Relevant: This SMART statement is pertinent to the individual’s career as a mechanical engineer.

Time-based: The deadline is four months from the start of implementation.

6. Learn Finite Element Analysis Skills

“I will use online resources and attend seminars to become proficient in finite element analysis (FEA) by the end of this year. This skill is important for me as a mechanical engineer, so I want to ensure I’m prepared.”

Specific: The goal is concise, stating what will be learned and how to reach it.

Measurable: The engineer could measure progress as they gain more knowledge of FEA.

Attainable: Online resources and attending seminars are accessible ways for the engineer to learn the skill.

Relevant: FEA is essential for mechanical engineers, so this pertains to the profession.

Time-based: There is a timeline of one year to accomplish success.

7. Expand Knowledge of Robotics Systems

“I plan to read two books on robotics systems and watch three tutorials about robotic projects within the next three months. I will also write a 500-word summary of the content I’ve taken in and discuss my insights with two experienced engineers.”

Specific: This goal outlines what you need to do (read books and watch tutorials) and how often you need to do it (at least twice and once daily).

Measurable: You could count the number of books read, tutorials watched, and summaries written.

Attainable: Reading books and watching tutorials about robotics systems is absolutely doable.

Relevant: A better understanding of robotics systems can improve your engineering skills.

Time-based: Goal completion is anticipated over the three months ahead.

8. Understand Fabrication Processes

“Within 10 months, I will become more knowledgeable in fabrication processes by reading four technical books on the subject, completing a welding training course, and attending two conferences related to fabrication.”

Specific: This is explicit since it outlines what the engineer plans to do to learn about fabrication processes.

Measurable: You can assess progress by ticking off the items on the list after completing them.

Attainable: This engineer has identified a doable timeline and an achievable set of tasks to build expertise in this area.

Relevant: Understanding fabrication processes is crucial for many engineers working with metal parts, making this a suitable goal.

Time-based: Ten months are required to accomplish the goal statement.

9. Learn Lean Manufacturing Principles

“I’ll read and study at least two books on Lean manufacturing principles for three months. This will help me keep up with industry trends and better understand efficient production methods.”

Specific: Expand knowledge of Lean manufacturing principles by reading and studying two books about it.

Measurable: This can be measured by completing two books on Lean manufacturing within three months.

Attainable: The SMART statement is possible by setting aside daily time for studying.

Relevant: Knowing Lean manufacturing principles will allow mechanical engineers to become better versed in efficient production methods.

Time-based: There is a deadline of three months for this particular goal.

10. Create Accurate Documentation

“I will create standardized, accurate documentation for all machinery projects within my department with a 90% accuracy rate over the 7 months ahead. I’ll review each document for completeness before sending it to other departments.”

Specific: The goal is unambiguous: create documentation for machinery projects that meets the desired accuracy rate.

Measurable: Documentation can be measured for accuracy and completeness.

Attainable: You should be able to create accurate documentation within the provided 7 months if you have the necessary resources and time.

Relevant: Documentation for machinery projects will benefit the entire department.

Time-based: Goal attainment will be met within 7 whole months.

11. Build Experience in Material Selection

“I’ll aim to gain insights on material selection in mechanics by researching two papers and attending one professional conference or seminar over the next four months.”

Specific: This requires you to research (two papers) and attend an event (one conference or seminar).

Measurable: You can measure your progress based on the number of papers read and events attended.

Attainable: Researching and attending an event is a realistic goal to achieve over four months.

Relevant: This activity contributes directly towards understanding material selection in mechanics.

Time-based: Reach the SMART goal within four consecutive months.

12. Develop Expertise in Automation

“The individual will become an expert in automation by attending weekly lectures and workshops for a period of 6 months. They should also read two books to understand better how automation works.”

Specific: The goal outlines what you must do, like attend weekly lectures and workshops and read two books.

Measurable: Set a schedule to monitor the individual’s performance and ensure they reach their goal on time.

Attainable: The given timeline is enough for the person to understand better how automation works, as long as they are dedicated and work hard.

Relevant: Becoming an automation expert is suitable because mechanical engineers must understand how to use automated systems.

Time-based: There is a 6-month end date for meeting this certain goal.

13. Strengthen Problem-Solving Abilities

“I will complete online courses and practice problems related to my field to develop a strong problem-solving skill set. I hope to spend two hours daily completing these activities for 5 months.”

Specific: The mechanical engineer knows they need to strengthen their problem-solving abilities.

Measurable: Spend two hours daily completing online courses and practice problems.

Attainable: This goal is achievable with enough motivation and access to resources.

Relevant: The goal is on-topic and will improve the your problem-solving skills.

Time-based: Five entire months are needed to accomplish excellence.

Final Thoughts

It is crucial to develop SMART goals as a mechanical engineer. By following this model of goal setting, you’ll be able to design an action plan to reach your goals and become more successful in your profession.

This preparation can also improve project management skills, allowing you to complete tasks more efficiently. Before setting any goal, weigh your decisions’ costs and benefits to see what can be met in a given timeline.

Remain consistent and committed, and use any available resources to stay the course. With frequent reviews and timely adjustments to your SMART goals, you can optimize the outcomes of any project.

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Rei Shen

Rei is the founder of Success in Depth. He is passionate about self-improvement and brings years of experience in goal setting to empower readers to reach their aspirations. He has been featured on sites like Yahoo News, AOL, The Epoch Times, and more.