Project estimators play a vital role in the success of construction projects. They are responsible for developing accurate cost estimates, evaluating project risks, and identifying potential issues.
To excel in this field, you must set well-defined goals that align with your career aspirations. This article will cover several examples of SMART goals for estimators to stay on track to professional growth.
Whether you’re aiming to take your skills to the next level or seeking help to positively impact your organization, these SMART goals will be a starting point for your goal-setting journey.
What is a SMART Goal?
The SMART system stands for specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based. We will dive deeper into each of these 5 elements:
Specific goals are crucial for direction and clarity in achieving your career aspirations. The more precise your goals are, the higher your chances of reaching them.
For example, instead of establishing a vague goal like “improve project efficiency,” you should aim to “reduce project turnaround time by 15% within the following 6 months.”
Quantifiable goals allow all parties involved to monitor progress effectively. When creating SMART goals as a project estimator, you must include criteria that can be tracked, such as reducing the number of change orders on a project by 10% for this quarter.
Make sure you take into account your current abilities and strengths. After all, unrealistic expectations may result in frustration for both you and the project team. You wouldn’t want to overwhelm yourself with too many responsibilities without the necessary resources.
You should make sure your goals align with your beliefs and motivations. By focusing on what matters to you at a core level, you can stay motivated and determined to overcome challenges.
To illustrate, if sustainability is one of your personal values, you might strive to “research and implement sustainable building materials on at least one project in the 7 months ahead.”
Having a robust timeline allows you to prioritize tasks according to their urgency and importance. A goal like “complete project budget review within 2 weeks of project kickoff” prevents procrastination. You’ll be able to manage time and avoid distractions that may derail your progress.
13 SMART Goals Examples for Project Estimators
Below are various examples of SMART goals for project estimators:
1. Increase Accuracy of Estimates
“I want to develop and implement a process to review each estimate before it’s given to the client within 8 weeks. This process will help reduce rework and other costs due to inaccurate estimates.”
Specific: The SMART goal is precise—you’ll outline the process to review estimates.
Measurable: Ensure the review process is implemented for each estimate before being given to the client.
Attainable: It’s definitely feasible to review every estimate before being sent.
Relevant: This is relevant to the individual’s role as an estimator and their responsibility to provide accurate estimates.
Time-based: Success should be accomplished within 8 weeks.
2. Minimize Number of Change Orders
“I’ll aim to reduce the number of change orders by 15% in 6 months by standardizing our project management processes and tools. This will help us control scope creep and ensure projects are completed in a timely manner.”
Specific: The aim is precise about what must be done: reducing change orders by standardizing project management processes and tools.
Measurable: You can measure the 15% reduction in change orders over 6 months.
Attainable: This goal is possible by standardizing project management processes and tools.
Relevant: Reducing the number of change orders is vital for estimators.
Time-based: The SMART statement should be met after 6 whole months.
3. Foster Teamwork and Collaboration
“I am committed to creating a culture of collaboration among colleagues in the project estimator team. To accomplish this, I’ll organize team activities and encourage open discussion of ideas and solutions within four months.”
Specific: You’ll strive to foster teamwork and collaboration among colleagues on the project estimator team.
Measurable: Evaluate the increased collaboration among the team members.
Attainable: This is achievable by organizing team activities and encouraging open discussions.
Relevant: Fostering collaboration among colleagues leads to better performance.
Time-based: You have a four-month end date to reach the goal.
4. Keep Up With New Technologies
“I will stay current with emerging technologies related to project estimation by attending one industry seminar each quarter for this year. I want to stay on top of the latest developments in this field and use effective techniques for project estimations.”
Specific: This goal is explicit as it entails attending an industry seminar quarterly to stay updated with emerging technologies.
Measurable: Check whether or not you have attended a seminar every quarter.
Attainable: You can follow the required action items to succeed.
Relevant: Keeping up with new technologies is pertinent to utilizing efficient estimation techniques.
Time-based: You have a year to accomplish this particular statement.
5. Reduce Project Waste and Costs
“I want to reduce project waste and costs by 20% in the 7 months ahead. I plan to do this by reviewing estimates, analyzing which materials are being used, and optimizing processes to ensure no wasted material or cost.”
Specific: This outlines the desired outcome (reducing project waste and costs by 20%) and the deadline (7 months).
Measurable: You should track the 20% reduction in project waste and cost over 7 months.
Attainable: Make sure you review estimates, analyze materials, and optimize processes.
Relevant: Decreasing project waste and costs relates to efficiency and profitability.
Time-based: The goal should be reached within the next 7 months.
6. Promote Culture of Safety
“I’ll foster a safety culture that ensures we work in a safe atmosphere, with procedures and protocols in place to reduce the possibility of danger. In one month, I will have created a safety culture on any job sites or within our office.”
Specific: The project estimator can foster a safety culture with procedures and protocols to assure safety.
Measurable: Evaluate whether you’ve created a safe culture within the provided timeline.
Attainable: As long as you dedicate enough time, this should be absolutely doable.
Relevant: This SMART goal is crucial to developing a safe workplace for employees.
Time-based: Goal attainment will be expected after one whole month.
7. Ensure Project Deadlines Are Met
“I hope that all projects are completed on time and within budget over the following three months. Using a methodical approach, I will track progress to ensure deadlines are met, and the customer is satisfied with the results.”
Specific: You want to ensure all projects are completed on time and within budget.
Measurable: Track project deadlines and customer satisfaction regularly.
Attainable: You likely have the resources and knowledge to complete projects on time.
Relevant: The goal enables you to maintain client satisfaction and profitability.
Time-based: Three months are required to accomplish lasting success.
8. Improve Client Satisfaction
“I’ll reduce client complaints by 15% within three months by actively listening to their feedback, addressing issues promptly, and proactively communicating with them.”
Specific: The statement is well-defined, detailing the ideal outcome and how to reach it.
Measurable: You can gauge the reduction in client complaints over time.
Attainable: This goal is feasible, given that you’ll actively listen to their feedback and address issues.
Relevant: Enhancing client satisfaction will maintain a positive reputation and repeat business.
Time-based: You will reach goal achievement over the three months ahead.
9. Develop Contingency Plans
“Within two months, I’ll develop contingency plans for budget overages, delays, or any other unexpected issues that may arise during the project. These plans should be reviewed and approved before the project commences.”
Specific: This is about developing contingency plans for potential issues during the project.
Measurable: Success can be measured by developing and approving contingency plans.
Attainable: The goal is possible with enough commitment and time.
Relevant: Developing contingency plans can promote project success and mitigate risks.
Time-based: Goal completion is anticipated over the following two months.
10. Enhance Your Estimating Skills
“As a project estimator, I will attend three training courses on advanced estimating techniques in 8 months to further sharpen my skills.”
Specific: You’ll attend at least three training courses on advanced estimating techniques.
Measurable: Determine how close you are to finishing the three training courses.
Attainable: The provided time frame is enough to boost your project estimating abilities.
Relevant: Enhancing estimating skills pertains to your roles and responsibilities.
Time-based: There is an 8-month window to achieve this certain goal.
11. Create Reliable Project Schedules
“I’ll create reliable and accurate project schedules that accurately reflect all changes in the timeline of a given project within three months. This will help me ensure that projects are completed on time and within budget.”
Specific: You must create reliable project schedules within three months.
Measurable: Assess the progress of your project schedules to ensure they are created accurately and on time.
Attainable: By taking the time to understand and research the project, you can ensure that project schedules are accurate.
Relevant: This is appropriate because it ensures the completion of projects within a specified timeline.
Time-based: Three months is enough time to reach the SMART statement.
12. Utilize Cost-Effective Resources
“I will actively seek out and employ cost-effective resources that can be used in our project estimations for 6 months. That will enable us to reduce expenses and maximize value while delivering high-quality work.”
Specific: The aim is to find cost-effective resources that can be used in the project estimations.
Measurable: Track your progress by looking at the resources you have employed in the estimations.
Attainable: You have a realistic timeline to accomplish success for your team.
Relevant: This is a reasonable goal as it focuses on finding resources to save money while maintaining high-quality work.
Time-based: Achievement of this goal is expected after 6 whole months.
13. Strive for Innovation and Creativity
“I will look for new and unique ways to solve problems in the project estimation process. I want to foster a culture of creativity that leads to more accurate and efficient estimations over the next four months.”
Specific: The person is looking for new and unique ways to solve problems in the project estimation process.
Measurable: This can be measured by the accuracy and efficiency of estimations in four months.
Attainable: This goal is doable because you’re taking deliberate steps to foster creativity and innovation.
Relevant: Encouraging innovation and creativity is essential for project estimations.
Time-based: The goal is time-bound since it has an end date of four months.
Final Thoughts
Developing SMART goals is crucial for project estimators to succeed in their careers. By following the 5 criteria, you can create goals tailored to your unique needs and aspirations.
Remember, the key is to break them down into manageable steps and remain inspired. With enough dedication and hard work, you can realize your career aspirations.
Hopefully, these 13 examples of SMART goals will provide valuable insights into the goals you can set for yourself to achieve professional development.